Wednesday, March 17, 2021

 **Excerpt from N.T.E.B.


Israel Antiquities Authority Makes Stunning Announcement Of Discovery Of 2,000-Year Old Scripture Portions From Zechariah and Nahum

Two millennia later, fragments of those texts have reemerged, the Antiquities Authority (IAA) announced Tuesday. It is the first such discovery since the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in 1947 and the early Fifties. The inhospitable environment was considered a safe haven as the war between the Roman Empire and the Judean rebels led by Shimon Bar Kokhba raged around 130 AD. Jews found shelter in the caves and brought what they thought they needed for their new life. 

Psalm 12: 6 and 7. The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.

.Some 1,900 years ago, Jewish and Christian refugees fleeing the Romans made their way to the Judean Desert. Among the belongings they carried with them were scrolls featuring the biblical books of Zechariah and Nahum.

The discovery of 1,900-year old scripture portions is an incredible revelation, but it becomes stunning when you realize that they were scripture portions held by first century Jewish and Christian believers, to keep them from falling into the hands of the evil Roman empire. The very same Roman empire that two centuries later would unleash the Roman Catholic Church upon the world, ushering in a thousand years of the Dark Ages. “More than 80 fragments of different sizes have been uncovered, some of them carrying text, some not,” Dr. Oren Ableman from the IAA Dead Sea Scroll Unit told The Jerusalem Post. “Based on the script, we dated them to the end of the first century BCE, which means that by the time it was brought to the cave, the scroll was already a century old.”

Here in the 21st century, the Roman empire and the Vatican are quite busy raising up the One World Religion of Chrislam, and the very scrolls that are bubbling back up to life are the same scripture that pronounces the coming destruction of the Whore of Babylon. Aren’t the end times wonderful? They are if you’re a bible believer.

2,000-year-old biblical texts found in Israel, the 1st since Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in 1947

FROM THE JERUSALEM POST: Two millennia later, fragments of those texts have reemerged, the Antiquities Authority (IAA) announced Tuesday. It is the first such discovery since the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in 1947 and the early Fifties. The inhospitable environment was considered a safe haven as the war between the Roman Empire and the Judean rebels led by Shimon Bar Kokhba raged around 130 CE. Jews found shelter in the caves and brought what they thought they needed for their new life.

In recent decades, the caves have been targeted by looters eager to find artifacts to sell on the private market. For this reason, a few years ago, the IAA, in cooperation with the Civil Administration’s Archaeology Department, launched a rescue operation to survey all the caves in the area. The findings, which include not only the biblical fragments, but also dozens of artifacts dating back as early as 10,000 years ago, have been astounding.

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