Wednesday, February 23, 2022


Canada’s Descent Into the Abyss.


Having lived for the past two years in what has become known as the tyrannical paradise of Victoria, Australia, I guess I have become a bit sensitive when I see the ugly head of dictatorship being raised elsewhere. And we have certainly seen that of late in Canada, and in particular, Ottawa.

The same ugly heavy-handedness, lust for power and control, and absolute contempt for ordinary citizens that we saw in Dan Andrew’s Victoria we are now seeing in Justin Trudeau’s Canada. The recent alarming scenes from there have been sickening to behold.

Simply watching some of the videos of this will shock most normal folks. Here is just one of them:

And the despicable rhetoric coming from the Canadian dictator has been so worrying. Calling the freedom-loving citizens a ‘fringe minority’ of white supremacists and accusing them of being terrorists is reprehensible. Trudeau is the one who proudly bowed the knee in public with real terrorist groups in the past, such as BLM. 

Awesome. An elderly woman being trampled by a horse. The Canadian government has confirmed that those texts are real but none of the supposedly progressive politicians in Canada care in the least. No one on the Canadian left or the American left, for that matter, has condemned any of this or any other grotesque violation of human rights in Canada. State media aren’t even reporting that it’s happening. But it is happening. Over the weekend, the show obtained footage of a particularly brutal beating in Ottawa during the crackdown. When you watch it, you can see a man being kneed repeatedly by Trudeau’s men.




Monday, February 21, 2022



How many babies died in the womb in 2021?


Around the world in 2021, tragically, 8.2 million people died of cancer.


5 million died from smoking.


3.5 million died WITH coronavirus.


1.7 million from HIV/AIDS.


1.3 million from traffic fatalities.


1 million from suicide.



42.6 million died in the “safest place” in the world – in their mother’s womb.


Who will save them in 2022 and beyond?


‘And I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me (Isaiah 6:8)”


FamilyVoice is working to change culture and save babies’ lives – by placing 365Life cards in communities around Australia. 



Thursday, February 17, 2022

Joe Biden Appoints A Non-Binary Drag Queen With The Pronoun ‘Them’ To Department Of Energy As Assistant Secretary Of Nuclear Energy.

Joe(ke) Biden. The Lover of LGBTQTIYJKSVX etc....and 100Genders!

 A graduate of MIT with dual masters degrees in nuclear engineering and technology and policy programming, Sam Brinton has been unapologetic about their activism, as well as their life as a drag performer and as one of the loudest voices fighting to end conversion therapy as the founder of the 50 Bills 50 States campaign. Despite Brinton's qualifications, conservative outlets have attempted to smear their reputation through a series of campaigns targeting Brinton's personal life — as have some on social media, where the appointment has been called a sign of "moral decay." Terry Schilling, president of the American Principles Project, a conservative lobby group, called Brinton a "complete sexual degenerate." Another tweeted: "If this is what's in charge of nuclear waste issues in the Biden Administration, it should start with itself." But in the face of homophobia and transphobia, queer activists and politicians are attempting to shift the message from one of hate to one of pride. 


Romans 1:2 “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;”


Saturday, February 12, 2022

The Arch-deceiver, and the "Talk Show!"


Pope Francis Appears On Italian Talk Show ‘Che Tempo Che Fa’, Quoting Russian Author Dostoevsky And Asking For ‘Good Vibes’ From The Audience

Speaking with Italy’s most popular prime-time talk show, Che Tempo Che Fa, the Pope said that he needed prayers and closeness right now. “Pray for me, I need it. And if some of you don’t pray because you don’t believe, don’t know how, or can’t, at least send me good thoughts, good vibes,” Pope Francis said Feb. 6. “I need that closeness from the people,” he added. Che Tempo Che Fa (what the weather is like) often airs live interviews with politicians, celebrities, artists, and athletes. Recent guests on the program include former U.S. President Barack Obama in 2021 and Lady Gaga. Pope Francis spoke with the TV program, which is recorded in Milan, remotely from the Vatican. The hourlong interview covered topics from environmental protection to the pope’s childhood in Argentina.

Pope Francis gave his first interview to Italian television talk show ‘Che Tempo Che Fa’ Sunday night, asking viewers who do not pray to send him “good thoughts, good vibes.”

One thing you can always say about Pope Francis, he never misses a chance to not preach the Gospel of the grace of God, even when millions are tuning in an hanging on his every word. For someone who claims to be the literal representative of Jesus Christ on this earth, you would think that at least every once in a blue moon he would tell people how to get saved. But he never does, NO POPE EVER HAS!  Why? Because they reject the biblical way of salvation by grace through faith, and give you the carefully-crafted counterfeit instead.

First-Ever Fully Autonomous DARPA Black Hawk Helicopter Takes To The Skies Without Pilot In Frightening Harbinger Of Soulless Robot Armies.


'This historic BLACK HAWK flight marks the first time that a UH-60 has flown autonomously and builds on recent demonstrations at the U.S. Army's Project Convergence 2021,' a Lockheed Martin spokesperson said in a statement. A partnership between Lockheed Martin Sikorsky and the Defence Armed Research Projects Agency (DARPA), it took off from Fort Campbell in Kentucky on February 5. Without anyone on board, the UH-60A Black Hawk completed a 30 minute flight above the US army installation, with a second flight held on February 7. It comes with an optionally piloted cockpit, that has to be switched from pilot, to autonomous mode - allowing an onboard computer brain to control the vehicle.

Fully autonomous DARPA Black Hawk helicopter takes to the skies without a pilot for the first time

FROM THE DAILY MAIL UK: A partnership between Lockheed Martin Sikorsky and the Defence Armed Research Projects Agency (DARPA), it took off from Fort Campbell in Kentucky on February 5. Without anyone on board, the UH-60A Black Hawk completed a 30 minute flight above the US army installation, with a second flight held on February 7. It comes with an optionally piloted cockpit, that has to be switched from pilot, to autonomous mode – allowing an onboard computer brain to control the vehicle.

During the flight the Aircrew Labor In-Cockpit Automation System (ALIAS) autonomous pilot was presented with a series of simulated obstacles to overcome. It had to execute a series of pedal turns, maneuvers and straightaways before carrying out a perfect landing back on the Fort Campbell runway – without any human intervention. The autonomous helicopter could be used to deliver supplies to dangerous war zones, or recover soldiers without risking a pilot.

‘This historic BLACK HAWK flight marks the first time that a UH-60 has flown autonomously and builds on recent demonstrations at the U.S. Army’s Project Convergence 2021,’ a Lockheed Martin spokesperson said in a statement.



Chesterton On Statism and Tyranny

Chesterton has a lot to teach us about liberty and tyranny:


“Just as it was the mark of the old tyranny to stretch the law, so it will be the mark of new tyranny to make a law that can be stretched.”

“This is the essential mark of tyranny: that it is always new. Tyranny always enters by the unguarded gate. The tyrant is always shy and unobtrusive. The tyrant is always a traitor. He has always come there on the pretence that he was protecting something which the people really wanted protected — religion, or public justice, or patriotic glory.”FULL ARTICLE HERE:

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Saturday, February 5, 2022


 69,108 Jesus Cross Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock


Friday, February 4, 2022

 The VATICAN (Babylonian Beast and false church) is compliant with many other "religions" and whomsoever and whatsoever those people choose to worship. The ONLY ONES they hate and rail against are those who worship  THE ONE TRUE GOD alone, AND HIS SON, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST! 

Acts 4:12 - Bible verse (KJV) -

 Vatican Opens An Embassy Called A Nunciature In Abu Dhabi Displaying Solidarity With Islam As It Pushes The One World Religion Of Chrislam.

 The opening of a new apostolic nunciature, an embassy of the Vatican, in the United Arab Emirates is a testament to fraternity and goodwill between Muslims and Christians, said Archbishop Edgar Peña Parra.


The Vatican opened its first embassy in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Friday. Archbishop Edgar Peña Parra, the Substitute (Sostituto) of the Vatican Secretariat of State, traveled to Abu Dhabi to inaugurate the diplomatic post on the Arabian Peninsula. “The presence of this new apostolic nunciature is a further sign of the Holy Father’s solicitude and concern for all the people in this land,” Peña Parra said at the opening on Feb. 4. “It is Pope Francis’ sincere desire that this edifice will assist the papal representative in carrying out his mission to the United Arab Emirates and to the local Catholic community,” he said. An apostolic nunciature is a diplomatic mission of the Holy See. It is led by a nuncio, who is a papal legate accredited to the civil government.


Thursday, February 3, 2022

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

News from Evangelist Mike Gendron                    
February 2022