Monday, March 1, 2021

(**Excerpt from N.T.E.B.)

Pope Francis Refers To The Flood Of Noah As A ‘Mythical Tale’ And Says God Will Send Judgment On Earth Not For Sin But Because Of Climate Change.


Pope Francis believes that climate change is something that God will judge the world for with perhaps a second flood, and says nothing about God judging people for their sins. Guess no one told Francis that God cursed the earth back in Genesis 3, and Romans 8 shows of how the earth desires to be released from that curse. But isn't that just like the Whore of Babylon to get you focused on your 'sin' of climate change while leaving your actual sins which you have committed unpaid for. 

“The biblical flood, according to experts, is a mythical tale,” the pope states, “But myth is a form of knowledge,” he says.

Pope Francis has a curious understanding of the bible, according to him it’s a real book that contains stories that may or not be ‘mythical’, like the flood of Noah. He seems to be quite unsure of the veracity of the Genesis account, so he quotes secular experts who agree it’s mythical . I am guessing he does this so as to not offend the atheists.

Moving on from whether or not the ‘vicar of Christ’ actually does believe the biblical account of Noah’s flood, on his second point there is no misunderstanding him. Pope Francis believes that climate change is something that God will judge the world for with perhaps a second flood, and says nothing about God judging people for their sins. Guess no one told Francis that God cursed the earth back in Genesis 3, and Romans 8 shows of how the earth desires to be released from that curse. But isn’t that just like the Whore of Babylon to get you focused on your ‘sin’ of climate change while leaving your actual sins which you have committed unpaid for.

If you are a Roman Catholic, your pope is taking you to Hell at lightning speed. You better get saved before you die because Hell is real, and purgatory is not. Choose wisely. And I can guarantee you one thing, no one will be sent to Hell for how they treated the earth. But you will be sent to Hell for dying without getting saved by the shed blood of Jesus Christ.


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