Friday, May 31, 2019

The Mueller (Witch Hunt) Investigation is
over, but the smearing of President Trump
continues. We have posted this 
JUDICIAL WATCH investigation for your
interest and information.  


Judicial Watch Presents–an Expert Special Panel Presentation: ‘Investigating the Investigators’   HERE:

Thursday, May 30, 2019

WE WARNED YOU: Drag Queen Story Hour Is Using Registered Sex Offenders To Read LGBTQ+ Themed Stories To Your Children At The Public Library.
Drag Queen Story Hour is happening in Delaware County, Ohio, an affluent suburb north of Columbus. And taxpayers are putting up quite a fuss. A June 5 session called “Drag 101” is advertised on the teen page of the Delaware County Library website, and here’s how the announcement reads: “Drag 101—Teen Program. Curious about the art of drag and no idea where to start? Come learn the basics with former Miss Gay Ohio America, Selena T. West! All genders welcome; drag is for everyone! Teens only, please.” 


IKEA Announces LGBTQ+ Pride Month Celebration With Limited-Edition Rainbow Shopping Bag And Partnership With Gay Advocacy Group Human Rights Campaign Foundation

IKEA U.S. announces today a partnership with the Human Rights Campaign Foundation (HRCF) to celebrate Pride Month. “We are excited to partner with the Human Rights Campaign Foundation for Pride Month,” says Rafael Fantauzzi, IKEA U.S. Diversity & Inclusion Manager. “At IKEA, our culture is centered on the value of togetherness. We believe equality is a fundamental human right and that all homes are created equal. We know everyone deserves a home you absolutely love and a workplace where you can be yourself. To show our commitment LGBTQ+ inclusion, on June 1, our co-workers will hoist the Pride Rainbow flag at all IKEA locations.”

Monday, May 27, 2019

Romans 1:24

"Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves."

THE BEST A TRANS CAN GET: New Gillette Ad Features A Dad Teaching His Transgender ‘Son’ How To Shave

The video follows Samson Bonkeabantu Brown, a young transgender teen from Canada, as he shaves his face for the very first time under the guidance of his father. “I always knew I was different but I didn’t know there was a term for the type of person that I was,” Brown says in Gillette’s "First Shave" advert. “I went into my transition just wanting to be happy. I’m glad I’m at the point where I’m able to shave.” As he puts the advice into practice, Brown is comforted by his father who tells him not to be scared. “Shaving is about being confident. You’re doing fine,” Brown’s father says. The ad’s tagline, released as part of its #MyBestSelf campaign, then reads: “Whenever, wherever. However it happens, your first shave is special”.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

THE ABORTION MILL, KNOWN AS ''PLANNED PARENTHOOD" aims to indoctrinate and confuse children.

 Planned Parenthood Launches ‘No Judgment’ AI Sexual Health Chatbot Named Roo Aimed At Children To Indoctrinate Them Towards Abortion And Gender Confusion

Planned Parenthood announced Thursday the launch of a “sexual health chatbot” that it hopes will bring the abortion provider’s version of “sex education” to its target audience – children and teens. "Planned Parenthood is thrilled to announce the launch of Roo, our new sexual health Chatbot," Planned Parenthood said     in a press Statement. "The first tool of its kind, Roo is designed to help young people visiting planned get personalized information instantly - 24 hours a day - 7 days a week.

2 Timothy 3:1–5

This know also, that ain the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be blovers of their own selves, ccovetous, dboasters, deproud, fblasphemers, ddisobedient to parents, gunthankful, hunholy, iWithout natural affection, itrucebreakers, ||false accusers, kincontinent, fierce, ldespisers of those that are good, mTraitors, nheady, ohighminded, plovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; qHaving a rform of godliness, but sdenying the power thereof: tfrom such turn away.

Trump orders intel agencies to cooperate with Barr probe into spying on 2016 campaign.


President Trump has ordered U.S. intelligence officials to cooperate with Attorney General William Barr's investigation into surveillance of members of his 2016 campaign, the White House said Thursday.
Trump also gave Barr "full and complete authority" to declassify information related to the investigation, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement.
The notice comes as Barr is conducting a review of what he has described as "spying" on members of the Trump campaign during the investigation into Russian interference.
"Today’s action will help ensure that all Americans learn the truth about the events that occurred, and the actions that were taken, during the last Presidential election and will restore confidence in our public institutions," Sanders said.


1 Kings 14:24

“And there were also sodomites in the land: and they did according to all the abominations of the nations which the LORD cast out before the children of Israel.”

South Australia’s Dream BIG Children’s Festival adds drag queen story time sessions to its program.

Drag queens will read stories to youngsters at South Australia’s biggest festival for children this week.
The “colourful and cool” story sessions are among the new additions to the DreamBIG Children’s Festival’s Big Family Weekend, starting this Saturday.
Similar events held interstate and overseas have attracted criticism and even protests; however, DreamBIG creative producer Susannah Sweeney said she did not expect Adelaide people to take issue with the sessions. She said Drag Queen Storytime, to be held at the State Library of South Australia, channelled the festival’s theme.
“The theme of the festival is ‘people together’ so we celebrate diversity, so that’s all part of that,” Ms Sweeney said.
“But ultimately, drag queens are colourful and cool.”

Monday, May 20, 2019


Hundreds Of Illegal Muslim Migrants From Africa Storm The Charles de Gaulle Airport In Paris Shouting ‘France Does Not Belong To The French!’

Footage posted on Twitter shows roughly 500 illegal Muslim migrants chanting in Terminal 2 of the Charles de Gaulle airport as about a dozen police officers in tactical gear look on.“France does not belong to the French! Everyone has a right to be here!” one person can be heard yelling into a loudspeaker.The protest was organized by the migrant support group La Chapelle Debout, which said their members call themselves “Black Vests.” The group comes amid the country’s months-long “Yellow Vests movement” over tax reforms. French citizens are required to carry yellow vests in their vehicles for emergencies.

Video showed hundreds of illegal Muslim migrants from Africa storming a French airport and occupying an entire terminal Sunday, demanding to meet with the country’s prime minister.

As the bleeding heart of the moronic Liberal tells us that these ‘poor, disadvantaged immigrants‘ only want to ‘live in peace’ and have a ‘better life’, these illegal Muslim migrant criminals are on a search-and-destroy mission to do as much damage as they possibly can. The very idea of these people who have no right to even be in France, taking over an entire terminal and shouting ‘France does not belong to the French’ is the very essence of what these illegal migrants are looking to do, and that is to tear down the sovereignty of free nations. FULL ARTICLE AND VIDEO HERE:

Sunday, May 19, 2019

THE RAVENSBRUCK RABBITS: Brilliant Secretly-Coded Letters Written By Four Concentration Camp Inmates To Tell the World About Horrific Nazi Medical Experiments During WWII

All the letters contained secret, coded messages that were added to the text by way of a simple but clever method: writing with urine. With courage and daring, a small group of inmates managed to send out reports about the crimes being perpetrated in the camp, particularly the medical experiments carried out on them.Their underground activity not only got the information out in real time – after the war it was used as testimony in the trials of the officers and physicians who had abused them. The letters, with their secret messages, have been on display since 2017 in a Lublin museum. But who are the women behind the letters? Interviews given by the former inmates, coupled with information from Polish archives, shed light on their resourcefulness, methods of operation and sheer audacity.

The 27 letters were hidden for decades. Stuffed into furniture in the home of Krystyna Czyz, they were found by her daughter only in 2010. All were written by Czyz and sent to her parents from the Ravensbrück concentration camp in Germany.

There are many amazing stories of survival when we read about Hitler’s Holocaust in WWII, stories of astounding courage, bravery and defiance in the face of stupefyingly overwhelming odds. The four women who risked their lives to warn the world of Nazi atrocities is such a story.

More on the Miracle Man Morrison


May 20, 2019 Ordinary Australians as well as biblical Christians were clearly delighted in Saturday’s election outcome. Instead of a progressive leftist government further coercively pushing all the radical causes, we have a government that should govern sensibly and responsibly for all Australians.
The people of Australia said ‘no’ to political correctness and all the radical special interest groups: the militant unions, the sexual radicals, the climate alarmists, the open borders’ crowd, and those who have declared war on religious freedom. They said ‘no’ to out-of-touch leftist elitists, and said ‘yes’ to normal Australian values.
Scott Morrison was seen as a man of the people, while Shorten was seen as someone who could not relate to ordinary Australians. His repeated refusal to answer honest questions – for example, about the costs of all his wild policies – turned off many voters. He even said such questions were “dumb.”

Some thought the death of the larrikin former Prime Minister Bob Hawke might help his chances. No way. The wealthy and aloof Shorten who disdained the common man had little in common with Hawke. ScoMo had more in common – feeling at home with the average Australian, and understanding their concerns.
The Labor Party of today – with Shorten, Wong, et al, and their bedding up with the loony Greens – is such a far cry from what it used to be. As Kim Beazley Sr. famously said way back in 1970: “When I joined the Labor Party, it contained the cream of the working class. But as I look about me now all I see are the dregs of the middle class. And what I want to know is when you middle class perverts are going to stop using the Labor Party as a spiritual spitoon.” MORE HERE:

Saturday, May 18, 2019


Federal election 2019:

Morrison claims Coalition election win for 'the quiet Australians.'

**We thank the Lord that we did not get

the Leftist Labour Party to run Australia!


Thursday, May 16, 2019



 (Culture Watch)

May 16, 2019
Cultural decline is always around us. Those people seeking to preserve the good and withstand the bad are always surrounded by forces and folks ever at work to tear down and destroy. There is always darkness and destruction all around us, and those seeking to maintain light and life are routinely in an uphill battle.
It is always a battle, and it is always a spiritual battle, as all Christians should know. I am reminded of a great quote by J. I. Packer concerning the Puritans in this regard: “Spiritual warfare made the Puritans what they were. They accepted conflict as their calling, seeing themselves as their Lord’s soldier-pilgrims, just as in Bunyan’s allegory, and not expecting to be able to advance a single step without opposition of one sort or another.” READ ON HERE:

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


DOOM TOWN: Hit PBS Children’s Show ‘Arthur’ Will Have Third Grade Teacher Mr. Ratburn Come Out As A Homosexual And Get Married While The Kids Watch

Arthur and his friends are initially under the impression that their teacher is marrying a bossy female rat. After a failed attempt to set Mr. Ratburn up with the librarian, the gang ends up attending their teacher’s wedding poorly disguised as adults. There, they realize Mr. Ratburn is marrying a chocolatier aardvark named Patrick. 

The 22nd season premiere of the hit PBS Kids show ‘Arthur’ saw one of its most popular characters coming out as gay and getting married to a man.

Every great empire, right before their decline began, normalized open homosexuality and all manner of other perversions. The Greeks, the Romans, and others embraced homosexuality to their own destruction. Greece today, like Egypt, once ruled the world but today is a nation who displays ruins for tourist dollars. As the Roman empire fell from power it became a religion in 313 AD called the Roman Catholic Church. 1,700 years later what’s the biggest, number one and all-consuming scandal in the Roman church? Homosexual pedophilia of its priests.

Ramadan 2019 Starts With A Bang As Islamic Terrorists Kill 165, Wound 145 During First Week Of Muslim ‘Holy’ Month To Please Their Moon God Allah

In 2019, Ramadan, a time when Islamic extremists believe Allah doubly rewards martyrdom and jihad, began at sunset on May 5 and is expected to last through sundown on June 4. In the days leading up to Ramadan, ISIS’ elusive leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, resurfaced in his first video in five years, urging Muslims to carry out more attacks as he pledged to take revenge on those who demolished the group’s so-called caliphate that once spawned across swathes of Iraq and Syria.

Genesis 16:12

“And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.” 

Islamic terrorists, mainly the Islamic State (ISIS), carried out more than 30 attacks in over ten countries during the first week of the ongoing holy month of Ramadan, killing at least 166 people and injuring 155 others.

Why do Islamic terror attacks increase so dramatically during the ‘holy’ month of Ramadan in Islam? Because Islam teaches that during that time, their moon god Allah will ‘reward them double’ for acts of martyrdom where they kill themselves and innocent people around them. Allah is angry all the time, it would seem, and the only thing that serves to pacify him to any degree is when his followers murder the ‘infidels’ who don’t believe in him. Ironically, most of the people killed in Islamic terror attacks during Ramadan are Muslims. Go figure.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Proverbs 6:17


MURDER INC: Democratic Party In Vermont BIll Will Provide ‘Unlimited And Unregulated’ Elective Abortion And Declares That Murdering Your Unborn Child Is A ‘Fundamental Right’

It is official. The Vermont Democrat Party now holds the dubious distinction of being the party of unlimited, unrestricted and unregulated abortion on-demand throughout pregnancy. Common sense amendments to protect minor girls, to limit abortions on unborn babies in the later stages of development, to provide informed consent (including alternatives to abortion), to providing regulation and inspection of abortion clinics, and other amendments, all went down to defeat by a Democrat-led, super-majority in the House. Pro-abortion legislators walked in lock step with Planned Parenthood and the ACLU as they read on the House floor the talking points that were rather obviously provided to them by both pro-abortion organizations.

The president and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Northern New England said Vermont is now “the shining example for all other states” of the radical, pro-abortion legislation that has become a hallmark of the Democrat Party.

Here’s something funny that should make you laugh. Remember way back when in 1996 when all the Democrats wanted was to keep abortion ‘rare, safe and legal‘? You can laugh now, that’s the joke. Because in 2020, Democrats want nothing of the kind. Democrats in the 2020 election will be running on a platform that includes abortion as ‘dangerous, imposed and frequent‘. The Democrats have become Murder, Inc, and they’re bragging about it as you will see in the article below from Breitbart News.

Monday, May 13, 2019

CHRISLAM UPDATE: Pope Francis Wishes A Very Happy Ramadan To ‘Our Muslim Brothers And Sisters’ As The Vatican Embrace Of Islam Grows Deeper


BOSS OF CHRISLAM.                                                                                     

 The Vatican has sent a special message to all the world’s Muslims, wishing them “a peaceful and fruitful celebration of Ramadan.” “We Muslims and Christians are called to open ourselves to others, knowing and recognizing them as brothers and sisters,” the text states. “In this way, we can tear down walls raised out of fear and ignorance and seek together to build bridges of friendship that are fundamental for the good of all humanity.”

The endearing use of the phrase “brothers and sisters” invokes a vision of harmony and peace together. This is not the case between Muslims and Christians globally. This is Chrislam.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Why did the professing Christians NOT
have the intestinal fortitude to
Did the Christians in Congress, "bow their heads and pray to ALLAH?(the Moon god)

Imam Omar Suleiman Delivers Opening Prayer in US House of Representatives.

 Imam Omar Suleiman, founder and president, served as the congressional guest chaplain at the invitation of Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D) of Dallas on May 9, 2019. LINK TO VIDEO HERE:

 **Listen to Chris Pinto's 



Thursday, May 9, 2019


The Vatican Is Bringing Christian Pastors To Rome To Train Them In How To Perform Catholic Ritual Exorcisms Using Saints, Icons And Graven Images

More than 241 people, both lay and religious, from more than 40 countries signed up for the course this year, Crux Now reported.“I'm here to understand the Catholic perspective. We are fighting the same enemy in the name of the Lord, even if there are some parts of the Anglican Church that have lost belief in Satan,” course participant Benjamin McEntire, a Protestant priest from Alaska, said.They all agree that growing secularization has led to a proliferation of satanic groups, especially among young people through social media.
 Ah, Rome, drunken with the blood of the saints, Rick Warren would feel right at home here. You will remember that back in 2014, Rick Warren gushed effusively about ‘our pope’, and what a great jobs he was doing. Well, now Pope Francis has invited Christian pastors to come to Rome and learn the ways of Babylon in how to ‘cast out devils’. Not surprisingly 241 people have taken the bait from the man in the fish hat to become trained in how to use Roman Catholics idols and icons to perform exorcisms. If it wasn’t so profoundly sad, it would be pretty funny.

NOTE: The ability to cast out devils, along with healing the sick, drinking poison and not dying, and taking up serpents safely was given to the apostles of Jesus Christ. When the last apostle died, that would be John after writing Revelation in 96 AD, the apostolic gifts died with him. And guess what? It’s frighteningly easy to prove. STORY HERE:

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Announces That The Terms Of The Jerusalem Embassy Act Of 1995 Have Been Fulfilled, Waivers To Forever End. 

Genesis 12:3

“And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” 
No more waivers will be granted to the 1995 Jerusalem Embassy Act because its terms have been fulfilled and the process of relocating the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Israel’s capital have been fulfilled, the United States announced on Wednesday.“I am pleased to report that I have provided my determination to Congress that the relevant elements of the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 have been addressed. Accordingly, no further presidential waiver of the funding restriction under the act is necessary,” US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Wednesday.He made his announcement just as Israel prepared to celebrate its 71st anniversary. 

President Trump in December 2017 recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and in May 2018 followed through on his campaign promise to move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

A lot of Christians are not aware of something called the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, passed by both the House and the Senate, which called for the US Embassy in Tel Aviv to be moved to Jerusalem. The act left final decision making in the president’s hand to either move it or exercise a waiver that would last for 6 month, and then either decide to move it or use the waiver. Well, gutless 2-term presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Hussein Obama all used the waivers for a total of 46 times over a 23 year period, even though all had promised to move it while campaigning for office. Only Donald J. Trump had to guts to do it. STATEMENT AND FULL STORY HERE:

A note from this blog:
Thanks to all of you who view this blog from time to time
from all around the world! We do not allow "Comments" as this has its own dangers. As an encouragement to you, we have reached Page views all time history 29,162 (copied from our Stats) as of today. Thank you all, and may you be both informed and blessed.      Glory to our God!

Shock As Muslim Children In Philadelphia Mosque Sing: ‘We Will Sacrifice Ourselves For Al-Aqsa; Will Chop off Their Heads, Subject Them to Eternal Torture’

On April 22, 2019, the Muslim American Society Islamic Center in Philadelphia (MAS Philly) uploaded a video of an "Ummah Day" celebration to its Facebook page in which young children wearing Palestinian scarves sang: "Glorious steeds call us and lead us to the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The blood of martyrs protects us… Take us, oh ships… until we reach our shores and crush the treacherous ones… Flow, oh rivers of martyrs!"

The land of the Prophet Muhammad’s Night Journey is calling us. Our Palestine must return to us. Rebels! Rebels! Rebels! Glorious steeds call us and lead us onto paths leading to the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The blood of martyrs protects us!

Just about two weeks ago, an amazing video surface from the Muslim American Society Islamic Center in Philadelphia. It showed a Muslim version of Sunday School, with children singing ‘songs about the Blood’, a topic sung about in many church Sunday Schools by Christian kids. Only one thing, though. The Muslim children weren’t singing about the ‘blood of Jesus’ that paid our sin debt, no sir. The ‘blood’ being sung about in the Islamic Center was the blood that jihadi martyrs want to shed – YOUR blood.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Image result for c h spurgeon illustrated quotes



600+ HAMAS ROCKETS FIRED: Israel On the Brink Of War With Iran As It’s Revealed That Palestinian Islamic Jihad Terror Group Waging Proxy Fight For Tehran

Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that he ordered the military to continue “massive strikes” against Hamas, which Israel holds responsible for all attacks coming from Gaza. The Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group on Sunday said that it was preparing to intensify its attacks and threatened the increased violence could lead to an all-out war between Israel and the Gaza Strip.“The resistance is about to go to a higher level in facing the aggression; a level that could lead to a war,” Palestinian Islamic Jihad spokesperson Mosab Al Braim told the Hamas-affiliated al-Risalah newspaper. Braim warned that the escalation will “hurt the enemy just like it is hurting our people.” 

United States Deploys USS Abraham Lincoln With Bomber Strike Force To Middle East After Hearing Iran Planned Attack On US Forces In Region

Late Sunday night, the White House made a surprise announcement that the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln and a bomber task force were being deployed to the Middle East in response to unspecified “troubling and escalatory indications and warnings.”A statement from National Security Adviser John Bolton said the military deployments were intended "to send a clear and unmistakable message to the Iranian regime that any attack on United States interests or on those of our allies will be met with unrelenting force."

Friday, May 3, 2019


NATION STATE: At The Apostolic Palace, The King Of Vatican City Calls For A One World Government More Powerful Than The United Nations

Pope Francis, like other popes before him, desires global government. This was made clear in his call for globalism on Thursday, during a speech before the members of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences within the Apostolic Palace. Francis demanded that a new “supranational, legal constituted body” enforce the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (IE population control) and their climate change policies. 
**“And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?”  (KJV)

Rather than calling for the outright abolition of Nation States, the Pope insisted they all be subjected to external, global governing authorities.

I am beginning to think that Pope Francis, who is also the ruling king of the Roman Vatican City state nation, is perhaps getting ready to make a real power move soon. From his throne at the papal Apostolic Palace, King Francis spoke frankly of his desire to see global rule on a far-greater scale and scope than that of the United Nations, and the end of borders, walls and nationalism. To boil it down into only 3 words, King Francis called for a One World Government.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

A COMMON WORD: In 2019, As Chrislam Continues To Grow At Lightning Speed, Let’s Check In With The Major End Times Players And See What’s New

As far as our research shows, Chrislam was first promoted in the 21st century at a global level by Saddleback Church pastor Rick Warren. Warren gave an explosive speech at the 2009 ISNA, the Islamic Society of North America, meeting where he shocked the Christian world by claiming that Christians and Muslims 'serve the same God' while calling for a Muslim and Christian 'interfaith coalition' to 'change the world'.

1 Timothy 4:1 and 2 

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

Apostate Christianity, represented by mega-church pirates Rick Warren and Brian Houston and others, are preaching that Muslims and Christians ‘serve the same God’, and since we do, we should join forces. Welcome to Chrislam 2019.

From time to time, articles we have done in the past will be rediscovered by people and wind up getting shared with tens of thousands of people all over again. Such is the case with one of the first Chrislam articles we ever did back in 2012. Over the past 2 days, the number of shares on social media have exploded, going well past the 100,000 mark! That article is called Chrislam Founder Rick Warren Partnering With Mosques To Teach Muslims That God Of The Bible And Allah Are The Same, and it’s making people mad all over again. FULL ARTICLE HERE: