Sunday, September 24, 2023

Jenny Geddes

On the 23rd of July 1637, in St Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh, Dean Hannay attempted to read from the prayer book for the first time. At this, a woman called Jenny Geddes picked up the stool she was sitting and threw it at his head, shouting “Villain, dost thou say mass at my lug? [in my hearing]”. Then a riot broke out, with more people shouting and throwing stools, before leaving the building.

The next day, the privy council (which governed Scotland) forbade speaking against the government or prayer book on pain of death. However due to the opposition they ordered that the prayer book not be used until king Charles I], in London, had been told about the situation. Many protests and petitions against the prayer book were made to the privy council, condemning it as containing errors and being forced on the church without being the approval of a General Assembly or Parliament.

 Reformation history; Jenny Geddes and her stool

Read more:
David Stevenson,
The Scottish Revolution, 1637-44 (2nd edn, Edinburgh, 2003), pp 42-64.
Book of Common Prayer (1637)
Geddes, Jenny
David Stevenson,
‘Geddes, Jenny (fl. 1637)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004
George Gillespie -
Reasons for which the service book, urged upon Scotland ought to bee refused (Edinburgh, 1638).

Jenny Geddes Stool
Jenny Geddes' Stool.


Thursday, September 21, 2023



The Papal System Today

An Analysis of the News Are Huge Changes On the Horizon For the Papal System? Shaun Willcock The Upcoming Synod: Creating a Different “Church” of Rome In October 2023 the first session of what is called the General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on synodality will be held in the Vatican, with the second session scheduled for October 2024. “Just another Vatican synod,” one might say, and dismiss it. This would be a mistake. This is no ordinary synod. It could change the worldwide Roman Catholic institution, doctrinally and practically, in such far-reaching ways that what emerges could be essentially a radically different Romish “Church”. Francis I admitted this, saying that the synod would not be about creating another church but a different church.1 Yes, astonishingly different. Why is this synod being held? Why is it so important to Rome, and why will it have such farreaching consequences? The answer is really quite simple: the world has changed massively in recent decades, and these changes have resulted in the Roman Catholic religion shedding millions of members. And the only way to arrest this decline, as far as the Jesuits who control the Francis Papacy are concerned, is to make staggering changes to Rome’s doctrines and practices, so as to retain its relevance in the world today and to enable it to advance and conquer. I have written about these things at length over the years. Indeed, ever since the Jesuit Order saw to it that one of their own became pope in 2013 (Francis I), everything that they have done has been leading up to this synod. It is make or break time. If things go their way, the Jesuits will swing the global Papal system to the ideological left of the spectrum, causing it to embrace all those things which the world now holds dear and is promoting aggressively; such as the LGBT agenda; radical environmentalism; Socialism/Communism; as well as such matters as allowing priestesses and married priests; making divorced Roman Catholics feel at home again; etc 


Sunday, September 3, 2023


The LGBTQP Gay Pride Flag Flown At Wheaton Christian College Before Being Taken Down

There’s a controversy brewing at one of the nation’s most prominent Christian schools, Wheaton College. Someone posted a gay pride flag in the dining hall.

ANLEY Fly Breeze 3x5 Foot Rainbow Flag - Vivid Color and UV Fade Resistant - Canvas Header and Double Stitched - LGBT Banner Flags Polyester with

49 Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.

50 And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good.