Thursday, December 31, 2020

 **ALERT: In Case YOU Missed This Very Important VIDEO:


Watch HERE:

Saturday, December 26, 2020

 (Excerpt from N.T.E.B)

In His Christmas Day Message, Pontifex Maximus Called For All The World To Be Vaccinated Even If Vaccines Are Made From Aborted Baby Parts.

 Revelation 17:5–6

And upon her forehead was a name written, uMYSTERY, gBABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF ||HARLOTS AND vABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw wthe woman hdrunken xwith the blood of the saints, and with the blood of ythe martyrs zof Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

"We cannot allow the various forms of nationalism closed in on themselves to prevent us from living as the truly human family that we are," Francis said. "Nor can we allow the virus of radical individualism to get the better of us and make us indifferent to the suffering of other brothers and sisters." Traditionally the most important papal message, delivered on Easter and Christmas and known as the "Urbi et Orbi" ("to the City [of Rome] and to the World")



Saturday, December 19, 2020

                                                            (PRINCE OF PREACHERS)


Friday, December 18, 2020

# Excerpt From N.T.E.B.)


The Character of Men in the Last Days

3 1  This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2  For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3  Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4  Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5  Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.


Hillsong Church Is A Snake Pit Of Open Demonic Activity, As Is Revealed Their NY Pastor Carl Lentz And Staffers Ran It Like The Playboy Mansion. The whistleblowers also claimed that Hillsong Church — which has been rocked by recent revelations that its former leader, Carl Lentz, had multiple tawdry affairs — was “a breeding ground for unchecked abuse.” Page Six is told that in 2018 a group of former “high-level” volunteers — and one who was still a volunteer at the time — sent a letter to the trendy ministry’s leaders warning of “verified, widely circulated stories of inappropriate sexual behavior among staff/interns.”

Carl Lentz, who founded the American wing of the Hillsong Church, which began in Australia, was fired in November, after it was revealed that he had cheated on his wife this year. It was subsequently revealed that he’d had a number of other affairs. With the full blessing of Hillsong Church leader Brian Houston in Australia, ‘pastor’ Carl Lentz opened the New York City branch of the Laodicean megachurch, and proceeded to run it more like the Playboy Mansion. The focus was on self, wealth, and Hollywood celebrities who were attracted to the no rules, ‘come as you are and stay as you are’ false doctrine preached from their pulpits. Now the entire, ungodly mess has imploded and is under investigation amid claims of rampant sexual abuse of its members. No surprise here.STORY AND VIDEO HERE:

Tuesday, December 15, 2020




Here is why you should not take the vaccine for Covid-19.

First and foremost the Lord has declared in 1 Corinthians 6:19...know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own. The Lord also warned, If any man defile the temple of God him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. 1 Corinthians 3:17

Monday, December 14, 2020



The Great Reset, the Vatican, and “Inclusive Capitalism”Dec 15, 2020 Here I want to focus on a rather alarming website in which the Vatican is fully in bed with a rather worrying agenda. It is called “Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican”. Someone alerted me to it recently, and after just seconds into it, I was thinking to myself, “Wow, this sounds just like the Great Reset!” And a few seconds later I found that the site was linking to the main Great Reset organisation, the World Economic Forum. See here:

What do the Pope and the Great Reset have to do with each other?

You can check this site out for yourself, but on its homepage it says this:

The Council for Inclusive Capitalism is a movement of the world’s business and public sector leaders who are working to build a more inclusive, sustainable, and trusted economic system that addresses the needs of our people and the planet.  

Capitalism has lifted billions of people out of poverty, but many in society have been left behind and the planet has paid a price. There is a moral imperative to address this challenge, and we are taking action. Our members undertake measurable commitments to help create:

-Equality of opportunity
-Equitable outcomes
-Fairness across generations on the environment
-Fairness to all enabling full economic participation




Friday, December 11, 2020


 Opus Dei. Åšwiadectwo

**The Following Articles are Excerpts, but the full Articles are in links!

Opus Dei: the crusading cult inside the Vatican

Robert Hutchison Source: The Guardian
The sect that wants to run the Catholic Church - and governments

Religion and politics have always been dangerous bedfellows. Christian fundamentalists have brought a backward looking, anti-scientific movement into US politics. The rise of militant Islamic parties has reintroduced theocratic notions that were thought to have died with the Dark Ages. But there is another, less publicised movement that has been quietly pushing at the doors of power on five continents.

Once inducted, they must submit to what is known as the "formative norms" - a manner of mind conditioning. These include reporting weekly to a "director" who has a right of regard over all their activities, personal and professional.

Celibate oblates must regularly wear a cilis - a spiked thigh chain used by religious communities in the Middle Ages - and practice self-flagellation. On the secular front, Opus Dei is well represented throughout Latin America, where it has penetrated all levels of government, the military, and the business and financial establishments. 

OPUS DEI'S AMERICAN INFLUENCE  blossomed during the Reagan administration. The prelature placed its agents inside the White House and recruited among the middle ranks of the Pentagon. Under Clinton, the situation is more ambiguous, with the exception of the FBI, whose director, Louis Freeh, is said to be a supernumerary (non-celibate) member. LINK TO FULL ARTICLE HERE:


ODAN – How Opus Dei is Cult-like

Testimonies and Other Writings

The following is the work of the individual author and does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Opus Dei Awareness Network, Inc.

 The examples cited in the right-hand column are based on the personal experiences of Sharon Clasen, who was a supernumerary for three years and a numerary for two years.  She experienced the following while living at Brimfield, the Center of Studies for numerary women in the United States. (All numeraries typically live in the Center of Studies for two years for intense study of the “spirit of Opus Dei.” There are separate Centers of Studies for numerary men.)  Also included are some writings of the Founder of Opus Dei (taken from The Way by Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer) as well as the testimonies from other former members.




And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, "Come and see."

The Jesuits Ecstatic Over the Fraudulent Biden Victory. 4 Dec., 2020.


 This article will not delve into the immense and blatant fraud and corruption which occurred in the 2020 presidential election in the United States, which produced a hasty, prematurely-announced, phony “victory” for Joe Biden over Donald Trump.  There are innumerable articles exposing this, and anyone who thinks that Biden won freely and fairly has been duped by the lies and propaganda of the lamestream media.  Trump was the runaway victor.  Biden “won” only by massive cheating on a scale never before witnessed in America.  This stolen election has changed America for the worse, possibly forever.  Its electoral process is now the same as that of any Third World, corrupt African dictatorship.  For sheer scale and brazenness, it is far worse. **READ THIS FULL AND IMPORTANT ARTICLE HERE:




Tuesday, December 8, 2020

(Excerpt from N.T.E.B.)

 THE GREAT RESET: Pope Francis Becomes Latest Global Elite To Adopt The New World Order Mantra Of ‘Build Back Better’ Created By The United Nations and the LEFTIST ''NEW WORLD ORDER" BIDEN REGIME.


On his official website, Joe Biden explains the message behind 'build back better' by insisting that “this is no time to just build back to the way things were before, with the old economy’s structural weaknesses and inequalities still in place. This is the moment to imagine and build a new American economy for our families and the next generation.” Biden’s version of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “Great Reset” looks remarkably similar to that of Pope Francis. “We will be able to regenerate society and not return to so-called ‘normality,’ which is an ailing normality, indeed which was ailing before the pandemic: the pandemic highlighted it!,” he said, adding that the old normality “was sick with injustice, inequality and environmental degradation.”


Joe Biden chose ‘Build Back Better’ as his campaign slogan because he is the chosen vessel of the New World Order, and a Biden Harris administration would tear down the United States from sea to shining sea.

Unless it’s connected to something called The Great Reset, unless it’s connected to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, unless it’s connected to this entire COVID-19 global Trojan horse of the New World Order. Which, as it turns out, is exactly what the truth is. Joe Biden chose ‘Build Back Better’ as his campaign slogan because he is the chosen vessel of the New World Order, and a Biden Harris administration would tear down the United States from sea to shining sea. Build Back Better? Only if you’re a globalist.

Build Back Better is a dog whistle for the Green New Deal of AOC and the Democratic Socialists, for Climate Activism, for defunding the police called for by Black Lives Matter, and for the call to ‘radically reimagine’ what life would like like in a post-capitalistic, post-America, post-law and order brave new world. 


Saturday, December 5, 2020


You WILL Be Silenced!

Dec 6, 2020

The militants seeking to destroy Lyle Shelton are coming after all of us:

One hates to do it, and one hates to sound like a broken record, but really, I told you so! Indeed, a number of us tried to tell you. Many of us warned and sounded the alarm and pleaded and did all we could to wake folks up before it was too late.

I refer of course to the unrelenting homosexual juggernaut which seeks to crush everything in its path. I and others warned that granting special rights to homosexuals, including recklessly redefining marriage, would be the slippery slope to a tyrannical future in which freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of conscience would all be under threat. Consider just one more shocking example of this. In today’s press (eg. The Herald Sun, Courier Mail, etc) there is a story of how two drag queens are each suing former ACL head Lyle Shelton for $20,000 and demanding a public apology. His crime? Daring to suggest that their ‘performance’ in a Queensland public library was not appropriate for little children.


Thursday, December 3, 2020

 "BECAUSE I'M JUST A PUPPET ON A STRING, AND YOU CAN DO MOST ANYTHING WITH ME!" (Biden will do anything and say anything, to get and stay in office!)


You Cannot Complete The Great Reset Until America Is Placed Under United Nations Authority, And Joe Biden Pledged Tuesday To Make That A Reality

According to a readout of the call, Biden thanked Guterres for his praise and said he looked forward to a new era of cooperation. “They discussed the need for a strengthened partnership between the United States and the United Nations on urgent global issues, including combatting COVID-19 and building resilience to future public health challenges, confronting the threat of climate change, addressing humanitarian need, advancing sustainable development, upholding peace and security and resolving conflicts; and promoting democracy and human rights,” the readout said.

Former Vice President Joe Biden spoke with U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Tuesday, promising a “strengthened partnership” on a host of issues from coronavirus to climate, all predicated on a resumption of access to U.S. taxpayer dollars.

As we have long told you, you cannot have the New World Order until the Great Reset is completed, and the Great Reset cannot be completed while America remains outside the global authority of the United Nations. On Tuesday, Joe Biden in a phone call with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres pledged to reverse all Trump-era policies related to our national sovereignty and agree to form a ‘new partnership’ with the globalist parasites of the United Nations. Did you know that the UN is foretold in the bible? Take a look and see: 

Zephaniah 3:8....“Therefore wait ye upon me, saith the LORD, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy.” 
