Friday, January 31, 2020


The Democrats in the U.S. Congress, made an absolute HASH of their hasty and "urgent" SHAM IMPEACHMENT HOAX.

 Democrats Suffer Humiliating Loss As Senate Votes Down Motion To Allow Additional Witnesses, Mitt Romney Sides With Liberals Against President. Senate Votes Down Extra Impeachment Witnesses, Paves Way for Trump Acquittal

House Democrats’ impeachment managers failed to convince enough moderate Republicans to cross the aisle, falling short of the 51 votes need for more witnesses. Late Thursday evening, Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) revealed that he will join the overwhelming majority of his colleagues to vote against hearing from others. Only two Republicans — Sens. Mitt Romney (R-UT) and Susan Collins (R-ME) — voted in favor of the motion for more witnesses, with the former saying he believes that it was important to hear from Bolton. Shortly after Alexander’s announcement, Collins said she would vote for witnesses as “the most sensible way to proceed.”

The Senate on Friday voted down a motion to allow for additional witnesses to testify as part of the upper chamber’s impeachment trial, all but ensuring a quick acquittal of President Donald Trump. LINK TO NTEB STORY HERE:

Revelation 2:8-9 Holy Bible, KJV.

And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive;
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
 Archbishop Viganò concludes: The faithful have a right to know these sordid intrigues of a corrupt court. In the Heart of the Church we seem to glimpse the approaching shadow of the synagogue of Satan

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN: In a new testimony touching upon the election of the next Pope, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has alleged that the cardinal whom Pope Francis recently approved to preside over the next papal conclave was involved in covering up the misdeeds of infamous Legionary of Christ founder, Marciel Maciel. THIS VIDEO TELLS YOU ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT MARCIEL MACIEL

In his first testimony, Archbishop Viganò also stated that he informed Cardinal Sandri, along with Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, about Theodore McCarrick’s decades-long abuse of priests and seminarians. Sandri was one of several high-ranking prelates who “knew in every detail the situation regarding Cardinal McCarrick,” he testified. Archbishop Viganò concludes: “ The faithful have a right to know these sordid intrigues of a corrupt court. In the Heart of the Church we seem to glimpse the approaching shadow of Satan’s synagogue (Rev 2:9).”
 Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, who has been warning people about Pope Francis for years now, makes a startling charge that the pope is a deceiver, a liar, and actively engaged in multiple cover-ups on a variety of levels. Vigano goes so far as to say that Pope Francis is turning the Roman Catholic Church into the synagogue of Satan, and guess what? He’s right. We have previously told you how Vigano exposed the ‘Gay Mafia‘ in the Roman Catholic Church, as well as the ‘homosexual network‘ that exists there and that Pope Francis works to keep hidden.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Image result for image british flag and brexit



Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The lead pastor of Hillsong Church Sweden, Andreas Nielsen, smashed his guitar to pieces while “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor was being performed as a part of the worship service.

Watch As Lead Pastor Of Hillsong Church In Sweden Smashes Guitar After ‘Eye Of The Tiger’ Played As Part Of Their Sunday ‘Worship Service’

Ever wonder why Hillsong Church, wherever they are around the world, can draw in thousands of people on a Sunday morning, which the local King James Baptist Bible Church only gets anywhere from a few dozen to a few hundred? Because Hillsong Church stacks the deck with everything people enjoyed in the nightclubs 12 hours earlier, that's why. On top of all that mess, Hillsong Church loves to flaunt Illuminati symbols, I wonder why? Hillsong Church has laser lights, fog machines, blaring rock and roll, the finest that the world has to offer. And just for good measure, here we have a Hillsong Church pastor in Sweden smashing a guitar on stage while ‘Eye Of The Tiger’ blares over the loudspeakers as a worship song. On top of all that mess, Hillsong Church loves to flaunt Illuminati symbols, I wonder why? Hillsong Church is the perfect church for the Laodicean Church Age, and checks all the boxes mentioned in Revelation 3. You should read it some time.

2 Timothy 4:1-5  (KJV)

I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Is it any wonder, that these clowns, masquerading as T.V. HOSTS, are  hemorrhaging ratings?
CNN host Don Lemon and guests mock Trump supporters as uneducated and illiterate

Fake News CNN Host Don Lemon And Panel Guests Mock Trump Supporters Labeling Them As Uneducated And Illiterate Rubes From The South

Don Lemon, who had to wipe his eyes after laughing so hard that he started to cry, said, "That was a good one. I needed that." The clip went viral on Monday night after former CNN digital producer Steve Krakauer tweeted it, writing, "The arrogance, the dismissiveness, the smug cackling, the accents. If Donald Trump wins re-election this year, I’ll remember this brief CNN segment late one Saturday night in January as the perfect encapsulation for why it happened." 
“Pompeo also knows deep in his heart that Donald Trump couldn’t find Ukraine on a map if you had the letter ‘U’ and a picture of an actual, physical crane next to it,” he stated, eliciting a laugh from Lemon. “He knows that this is, you know, an administration defined by ignorance of the world. And so, that’s partly him playing to their base and playing to their audience. You know, the credulous boomer rube demo that backs Donald Trump.” STORY HERE:

Sunday, January 26, 2020

75 Years After The Liberation Of Auschwitz, Shocking New Documentary Shows Holocaust Concentration Camp Horror With Never-Seen Color Images

Auschwitz Untold: In Colour is a two part series which is shot from the perspective of Holocaust survivors, with the archive footage used from the concentration camp in Poland having been restored to full colour. It is set to feature testimonies from survivors which have never been shared before and is narrated by Sir Ben Kingsley. One female survivor recounts arriving at the camp saying: 'Once we entered there, we thought we'd entered hell.'
Auschwitz Untold: In Colour is a two part series from the perspective of survivors 

A new powerful documentary series is set to stun viewers as it marks the 75-year anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp.

How well I remember sitting in the back of my darkened 8th grade classroom in 1974, watching raw footage shot by US Army photographers of the very day that the Holocaust concentration camp Dachau was liberated. You can see a segment of that video below. The only sound in the entire classroom was the muffled sounds of tears and soft crying as we watched in stunned silence. It was at that very moment, 17 years before I got saved, that God broke my heart for Israel and the Jewish people. This is one main reason why you see the shofar being sounded by the Two Witnesses in the logo on our site, which we have done from the very beginning of NTEB

Auschwitz Untold

This special depicts the chilling story of the Nazi persecution and extermination of European Jews by combining newly colorized footage from the Holocaust and rare, first person interviews with survivors. Seventy-five years after the liberation, these survivors, who were young children at the time of the Holocaust, reflect on the tragic circumstances that lead to their internment and reveal the ways in which they survived the brutal Nazi campaign. Ultimately, a story of incredible courage, faith, and resilience emerges from the darkness of this horrific chapter in history.

Friday, January 24, 2020



America, Trump and Abortion

Jan 25, 2020

Unprecedented pro-life activities in the US:

Three things happened this week that have never happened before in the US. One, the Trump Administration issued an official prolife proclamation. Two. Trump attended the annual March for Life – the first time ever that a sitting President did such a thing. Three, he gave a stirring prolife speech at the march.
For those not in the know, there is significant historical background to all this. On January 22, 1973 the US Supreme Court, in a 7–2 decision, declared that there is a Constitutional right to abortion. It struck down the laws of all 50 American states, and basically gave the US abortion on demand.
Each year since then a prolife rally has been held in the nation’s capital in cold wintry conditions to stand up for life. Now, 47 years on, we have these historic events taking place with President Trump. And be aware of what has been happening here. Since that fateful decision, some 62 million babies have been killed in the US alone.

One meme making the rounds recently puts it like this: “If you’re under 47, you are an abortion holocaust survivor, and one third of your generation did not survive.” Thankfully over recent years abortion rates have been dropping, but the mother’s womb in America is still one of the most dangerous places to be in.
But let me speak to what has just occurred over the past few days. While Presidents like Obama were quite happy to attend functions by pro-death groups like Planned Parenthood and sing their praises, this is the first time a sitting Commander in Chief attended the annual prolife event.

Thursday, January 23, 2020


 As Australia Day approaches it draws the curtain on the holiday season for another year. With every passing year it seems more noise is made about how inappropriate or appropriate it is for us to celebrate the coming of the first fleet in 1788 as our national day.

The teaching of our history is vital for national self-understanding, for discerning the good and evil of our story, for carrying the good forward and for making peace with those disadvantaged by the past.

What is different about our story is the resolve of evangelicals in England to redeem and rehabilitate convicts bound for Australia. The British Crown and its Governor Phillip did not espouse this purpose entirely but were persuaded enough to appoint a chaplain to the penal colony and to provide some practical support.

Professor Stuart Piggin commits the Prologue of his celebrated book on Christian influence in early Australia to Lieutenant William Dawes, the astronomer appointed to the First Fleet. Dawes was a genuine Christian and a considerable moral intellect. He took a special interest in the local people and explored the indigenous language and understanding of the world. FULL STORY FROM FAMILY VOICE HERE:


Tuesday, January 21, 2020

On First Day Of Senate Impeachment Trial, Adam Schiff Demands President Trump Be Found Guilty As He Tries To Take Control Of Proceedings

In other words, said Adam Schiff today, if the Republican-led Senate does not carry out the impeachment trial the way the Democrats want it to, Trump will be considered guilty even if the upper chamber acquits him. A guilty verdict in the Senate would remove Trump from office.
Adam Schiff: Trump ‘Guilty’ if Senate Rejects Democrats’ Demand for New Witnesses, Evidence

Schiff: Trump ‘Guilty’ if Senate Rejects Democrats’ Demand for New Witnesses, Evidence

FROM BREITBART NEWS: In other words, if the Republican-led Senate does not carry out the impeachment trial the way the Democrats want it to, Trump will be considered guilty even if the upper chamber acquits him. A guilty verdict in the Senate would remove Trump from office.
Schiff told reporters:
If the Senate and the senate leadership … will not allow the calling of witnesses or the presentation of documents, If [Senate Majority Leader Mitch] McConnell makes this the first impeachment trial in history without witnesses or documents, it will not prove the president innocent. It will merely prove the Senate guilty of working with the president to obstruct the truth from coming out, so I do think that by structuring the trial this way, it furthers our case that what’s going on here really is a cover-up of evidence to the American people.
While McConnell says his newly unveiled resolution outlining the rules that will govern the Senate trial makes the process fair, Schiff argues otherwise, saying the guidelines “make it impossible to hear a fair trial.”STORY AND VIDEOS HERE:

Sunday, January 19, 2020

A Courageous Group Of College Students In Australia Interrupt Drag Queen Story Hour Chanting ‘Drag Queens Are Not For Kids!’

 Drag Storytime is an event held at libraries around Australia where drag queens read stories to children who attend with their parents. The idea to is teach children about the fluidity of gender identity and provide them with queer role models.

Johnny Valkyrie was one of two drag queens reading stories to children during the Drag Storytime event at Brisbane Square Library on Sunday afternoon. Drag Storytime is an event held at libraries around Australia where drag queens read stories to children who attend with their parents. The idea to is teach children about the fluidity of gender identity and provide them with queer role models. The University of Queensland's Liberal National Club said they demonstrated against the event to fight against children 'being indoctrinated with radical gender theories'.

College Students in Australia protest Drag Queen Story Hour

FROM DAILY MAIL UK: A transgender drag queen has said he is concerned about his mental health after a group of conservative students protested against an event he was hosting. Johnny Valkyrie was one of two drag queens reading stories to children during the Drag Storytime event at Brisbane Square Library on Sunday afternoon. A group from the University of Queensland’s Liberal National Club stormed the event shouting ‘drag queens are not for kids’. Mobile phone footage of their protest shows them chanting loudly at as drag queen Diamond Good-Rim tries to persuade them to stop.
Mr Valkyrie, who was born a woman but now identifies as a homosexual man, posted on Facebook that the protest ‘exhausted’ him. He said he was worried about his mental health and asked for donations toward the $10,000 cost of an affirmation procedure to remove his breasts.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Christ the Seed of the Woman
January 16, 2020
Way of Life Literature, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061
‘And I will put enmity between thee and -- the woman, and between thy seed and -- her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel” (Genesis 3:15).
This is the first gospel message and the first Messianic prophecy. “Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world” (Ac. 15:18). “Then said I, Lo, I come, in the volume of the book it is written of me” (Ps. 40:7). “Here was the dawning of the gospel day. No sooner was the wound given than the remedy was provided and revealed” (Matthew Henry).

The coming of the Messiah to crush the serpent’s head is all of grace and mercy. It is entirely undeserved and unearned by fallen man. The man and the woman stood there that day utterly condemned, without any hope to escape the terrible judgment of God which proclaimed, “in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die” (Ge. 2:17). They were facing eternal death, and no amount of sorrow or good deeds or religious works could undo what had been done and take away the just punishment of God. But God loved them, and He Himself planned and provided salvation for them by becoming their Substitute and rising from the dead.

God prophesied that mankind will be divided into two streams: Satan’s family and God’s family, saved and unsaved, and there will be hostility between them. Compare Matthew 13:38. We see this age-long conflict that began immediately in Genesis 4 when Cain hated his brother Abel because he was a believer and a prophet of God. Compare 1 John 3:12.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Pope Francis Invites Freakish Circus With Scantily-Clad Women Doing Sexually Charged Dances To Perform In Reptile Shaped Vatican Hall.

Pope Francis participates in circus act during General Audience
At the end of the General Audience, the “Aqua Circus” performers put on a show for the pope and pilgrims. Pope Francis participated in the spectacle by tossing a hoop at one of the acrobats. This circus presents itself as “the European response to 'Cirque du Soleil.'” Its show proposes defending the environment. The artists tell the story of a mermaid and a man under the sea who fight against contamination of the ocean.

Pope Francis participates in circus act during General Audience

FROM ROME REPORTS: At the end of the General Audience, the “Aqua Circus” performers put on a show for the pope and pilgrims. Pope Francis participated in the spectacle by tossing a hoop at one of the acrobats.
This circus presents itself as “the European response to ‘Cirque du Soleil.’” Its show proposes defending the environment. The artists tell the story of a mermaid and a man under the sea who fight against contamination of the ocean. READ MORE
has been appointed CHANCELLOR OF
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The city of BELFAST, Northern Ireland was once a bastion of Christian Protestantism!
It would seem that Belfast, has "sold her soul!" 
"For she hath cast down many wounded: yea, many strong men have been slain by her."

Monday, January 13, 2020

‘Family Friendly’ Walt Disney Says They Will Stop Filming In Georgia If State No Longer Allows Unborn Babies To Be Murdered In The Womb


Walt Disney Threatens to Stop Filming in Georgia if New Abortion Ban Goes Into Effect

On Wednesday, Disney CEO Robert Iger told Reuters that they probably will stop filming in Georgia if its abortion ban goes into effect, USA Today reports. The law protects unborn babies by banning abortions once their heartbeats are detectable, about six weeks. However, abortion advocacy groups plan to challenge the law in court. “I rather doubt we will continue shooting in Georgia,” Iger said. He said he is watching “very carefully” to see how the legal battle unfolds.

One of the biggest companies in the world dedicated to children’s entertainment, Walt Disney, is threatening to boycott Georgia over its new pro-life law.
Just for fun this summer, why don’t we all who name the Name of Jesus, stop buying anything related to the Walt Disney company, including going to a different theme park and not giving the Mouse our business? When Target decided to make a stand in favor of trannies in the ladies room, Christians boycotted them to the tune of a $10 billion dollar loss in company value. I would love to see us all do the same with Walt Disney in 2019. STORY HERE:

Contrary to popular modern belief, the Antichrist of Bible prophecy will not be a single individual at the end of the world.  He is neither some charismatic politician, nor some great religious leader yet to arise.  He will not be an adherent of Judaism, and he will not be a Muslim.  He claims to take Christ’s place on earth.  His very title, Vicar of Christ, has this meaning.  No Muslim, no Jew, and no atheist does such a thing.

The evidence, both biblical and historical, is rock solid and overwhelming.  The Antichrist is the pope of Rome; he is every pope of Rome; he is only the pope of Rome.

His identifying marks, as found in God’s Word, apply to no other in all of history; which is why this has been the united testimony of the Lord’s saints in all ages.  When his identity was well known among biblical Protestants, a powerful witness against Popery was maintained; but as various speculative theories about the identity of the Antichrist began to emerge, this witness was greatly weakened and even silenced, ecumenism advanced by leaps and bounds, and the Antichrist himself came to be accepted by millions as the world’s greatest Christian.  The damage done was incalculable.  What a need there is in our day for all faithful men of God, and indeed all true Christians in general, to be well grounded in this great truth as their forefathers in the faith were, and to proclaim it with conviction and boldness!

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Iranians Riot In The Streets Of Tehran Demanding The Ayatollah Resign After Iran Admits To Killing 176 People When They Shot Down Ukrainian Jetliner

'Death to the Islamic Republic' protesters chanted, as the regime's security forces allegedly used ambulances to sneak heavily armed paramilitary police into the middle of crowds to disperse the demonstration. What began as mournful vigils for Iranian lives lost on the flight soon turned to outrage and protest against the regime, and riot police quickly cracked down, firing tear gas into the crowd.
Irate Iranians mobbed the streets of Tehran Saturday, demanding that Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei resign immediately after it was learned that Iran lied about intentionally targeting the Ukrainian jetliner, bringing it down with 176 souls on board. It is a sweet irony that in the aftermath of the decision by American president Trump to take out Quds general Qassem Soleimani, the people calling for regime change in Iran are its own citizens. You really can’t stop that Trump Train, can you?Iranians have gathered in the streets of Tehran to demand the resignation of Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei

Protesters in Tehran clash with riot police as they demand the Ayatollah RESIGNS and call for regime change after Iran finally admits to shooting down jet and killing 176 people

FROM DAILY MAIL UK: Angry crowds gathered on Saturday night in at least four locations in Tehran, chanting ‘death to liars’ and calling for the country’s supreme leader to step down over the tragic military blunder, video from the scene shows.
What began as mournful vigils for Iranian lives lost on the flight soon turned to outrage and protest against the regime, and riot police quickly cracked down, firing tear gas into the crowd.
‘Death to the Islamic Republic’ protesters chanted, as the regime’s security forces allegedly used ambulances to sneak heavily armed paramilitary police into the middle of crowds to disperse the demonstration.
Iran shot down a Ukrainian jetliner

Thursday, January 9, 2020

At The Council Of Trent In 1545, The Roman Catholic Church Declared Their Opposition To The Gospel Of The Grace Of God Preached By The Apostle Paul.

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." 

Ephesians 2: 8 and 9. 

Council of Trent 1545 Roman Catholic Church Vatican

 The Roman Catholic Church declares that anyone who believes in Jesus Christ alone for their salvation, and receives that salvation by grace through faith alone, is cursed by them. They are saying that if you believe the Bible, and nothing else, that if  you trust Jesus, and nothing else, they curse you. Salvation by grace through faith alone is the bedrock of the gospel of the grace of God. Salvation by grace through faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ alone is the gospel of the grace of God. And by their own declarations and in their own words they are against it. So you tell me how the Roman Catholic Church can possibly be a "christian" organization? That is not possible.Perhaps the most defining event of the Roman Catholic church since its inception in 325 AD was the Council of Trent which was the Vatican’s response to the then brand-new movement of something called the Protestant Reformation. At the Council of Trent, many important things were decided and officially codified into the Catholic canon of teaching. They decided that the Biblical doctrine of salvation by grace through faith alone was bad for business, and had to go. So, out it went.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Image result for image soleimani Qasem Soleimani: Stampede kills 50 mourners at burial in Iran.

It would seem that "Allah" isn't too pleased with people mourning in a frenzy over a terrorist with the blood of countless thousands on his hands.

  Image result for image soleimani

 Fifty people have been killed and more than 200 injured in a stampede as Iranians gathered for the burial of a leading commander killed in a US drone strike.

The deaths in Qasem Soleimani's hometown of Kerman led to the ceremony being delayed.
The burial is the last in a series of funeral events that have brought millions on to the streets in Iran.
Soleimani's killing has raised fears of a conflict between the US and Iran.
The head of the Quds force was tasked with defending and projecting Iranian interests abroad, and was hailed as a hero by many in his home country. Immediately after his death, Iran threatened retaliation. STORY AND VIDEO HERE:

Monday, January 6, 2020

Nancy Pelosi Crafting A New ‘War Powers Resolution’ That Will Protect Iran And Accuse President Trump Of ‘War Crimes’ For The Killing Of Rogue Iran General Qassem Solemani

Nancy Pelosi to Introduce Resolution Implying Pre-emptive Surrender to Iran

Nancy Pelosi’s letter begins with the declaration that President Donald Trump’s airstrike last week targeting Iranian General Qasem Suleimani, leader of the terrorist Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IGRC) Quds Force, responsible for the murders of hundreds of Americans and for recent attacks on the U.S. embassy in Baghdad, was “provocative and disproportionate,” terms suggesting the attack was illegal under international law and could constitute a war crime.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) wrote a letter to her Democrat colleagues in the House on Sunday to reveal a new “War Powers Resolution” that amounts to a pre-emptive surrender to Iran in ongoing hostilities.

The man that President Trump ordered the strike is someone who was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans in the Middle East, and who was also behind the recent attack on the US Embassy in Baghdad. Taking out Qassem Soleimani was not only an easy call to make, it was one that was long overdue. The reason why he was not taken out before was because he had been protected for 8 years by the Obama administration. Now that Trump has taken decisive action, Nancy Pelosi has ordered Congress to pass a War Powers Resolution that will protect Iran from further attacks, and to declare that President Trump is guilty of ‘war crimes’.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Naperville church's 'Let It Be Christmas' uses Beatles songs to tell Jesus' birth story.

...And the APOSTASY rolls on.......

Here Comes the Son: Church Turns Christmas Pageant Into Beatles Rock Opera

Here Comes the Son: Church Turns Christmas Pageant Into Beatles Rock Opera

For more than a decade, Let it Be Christmas has celebrated the Gospel “according to Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, George, and Ringo.”
Rock music that changed the world is being used to tell the greatest story ever told with the joining of the Beatles and the saga of Jesus’ birth for “Let It Be Christmas” this weekend and next at Naperville’s Community Christian Church.
“Let it Be Christmas” is an Epic Theatre Company’s production being presented this weekend and next at the church’s Yellow Box theater.
Now in its 11th year, it’s become an annual tradition, said Elic Bramlett, associate creative director for the church and the show’s director and co-writer.
“My brother Eric and I co-wrote and produced this together, and we have continued to change and modify it every year since we started a decade ago,” Bramlett said. STORY HERE:

Thursday, January 2, 2020

President Trump Orders Pentagon To Kill Iran’s Elite Quds Force General Qassem Soleimani In Stunning Payback For Attack On US Embassy In Baghdad

A statement released late Thursday by the Pentagon said the strike on Soleimani “was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans.” The strike also killed Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, deputy commander of Iran-backed militias in Iraq known as the Popular Mobilization Forces, or PMF, Iraqi officials said. The PMF media arm said the two were killed in an American airstrike that targeted their vehicle on the road to the airport. (From NTEB)

Pentagon says US airstrike killed powerful Iranian general

Pentagon says US airstrike killed powerful Iranian general

FROM AP NEWS: An airstrike killed Soleimani, architect of Iran’s regional security apparatus, at Baghdad’s international airport Friday, Iranian state television and three Iraqi officials said, an attack that’s expected to draw severe Iranian retaliation against Israel and American interests.

The Defense Department said Soleimani “was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region.” It also accused Soleimani of approving the attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad earlier this week.
A statement released late Thursday by the Pentagon said the strike on Soleimani “was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans.”
The strike also killed Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, deputy commander of Iran-backed militias in Iraq known as the Popular Mobilization Forces, or PMF, Iraqi officials said. The PMF media arm said the two were killed in an American airstrike that targeted their vehicle on the road to the airport.

          From CULTURE WATCH. 
The attention of much of the world is now on the deadly firestorms ravaging so many parts of Australia. I was not planning on writing about this, and that for two reasons: plenty of good articles are already out there detailing our seemingly failed policies concerning the bush and fire management; and I have already penned a number of pieces looking at the spiritual and theological considerations of such things.
Indeed, just moments ago someone sent in a comment to my site, asking if I had written on these fires. I replied by saying what I just did above. However – and at the risk of repeating myself – it may be worth once again to look at these matters.
As I just told the fellow who asked me, I would respond by saying two things. One, I would criticize the various government policies – often promoted by the left and the Greens – that have been mainly responsible for this. Two, I would again address the biblical and theological concerns.
As to government failures in this area, such policies would include the refusal to take seriously the need to deal in proper fuel reduction, including the refusal to do prescribed-burning – or enough of it. Many have long complained about this, but it seems these concerns keep falling on deaf ears.
Plenty of experts can be drawn upon here. One group of specialists have plenty of important findings on their site:
There is enough material there to keep you busy reading for quite a while. Let me refer to one article, penned back in 2008: “Bushfires, Prescribed Burning and Global Warming.” And just one snippet from the piece should encourage you to read the entire article: HERE: