Monday, January 22, 2024

 Micah 7:18, 19, KJV, Scripture Picture, Daytona Beach ...


AUSTRALIA DAY, Jan. 26, 2024.

As Aussies in our 80's, we are proud to say "HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY" to our fellow Australians.


I love a sunburnt country,
A land of sweeping plains,
Of ragged mountain ranges,
Of droughts and flooding rains.
I love her far horizons,
I love her jewel-sea,
Her beauty and her terror
The wide brown land for me! (by Dorothea MacKellar in 1908,)

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

** Excerpt from Article by SHAUN WILLCOCK.



4:19,20): “We ought to obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29). Rome’s Hatred of Freedom of Speech Many understand that Communism has always hated freedom of thought, speech and religion. But what almost no one understands today is that the utter destruction of freedom of thought, freedom of speech and ultimately, freedom of religion, has been the goal of the Papal system for centuries. “The opposition to freedom of thought, freedom to read, freedom of speech is identical whether it comes from the Kremlin or the Vatican,” wrote ex-priest Emmett McLoughlin in 1960.4 Freedom of thought has been condemned by the very highest authorities of the Roman Catholic institution: “And from this most putrid spring of indifference flows that absurd and erroneous opinion or rather insanity that teaches and upholds that everyone should have freedom of thought.” – Gregory XVI, pope of Rome, encyclical against modernism, Mirari vos arbitramur, 15 August 1832. “By no means is it permissible to seek or to defend or to grant freedom of thought, freedom of instruction, freedom of writing... as rights granted to man by nature.” – Leo XIII, pope of Rome, 1888. Freedom of thought was also condemned by Leo XIII in his Immortale Dei, 1 November 1885; and by Pius IX in his Gravissimas Inter, 11 December 1862. And let it never be forgotten that Rome had its Index of Forbidden Books, a list of the books it had banned. This “is the strongest objective proof that the Roman hierarchy must try to destroy... freedom of thought.”5 Freedom of religion and worship flows from freedom of thought. “But the Catholic Church condemns that freedom and, if it could, it would destroy it.”6 “[T]he most accursed thing that can be imagined, whereby liberty of conscience (or freedom of worship) is granted to everybody, which is the worst thing in the world.” – Clement VIII, pope of Rome, condemning the Edict of Nantes which granted freedom of religion in France in the seventeenth century. Today, Rome is achieving its desire to destroy freedom of religion around the world, through its massive influence over world Communism, the United Nations, etc. Its objective is to make the world Roman Catholic, directed by the Jesuits.7 Its hatred of freedom of thought and speech leads Rome to use heavy-handed media censorship techniques to get its way. In the pre-internet days it used such methods as boycotts of newspapers, magazines, publishing firms, bookshops8 and films9 of which it disapproved. And now the Jesuits are making use of censorship by social media giants to silence any and all opposition. The only voice Rome wants heard is its own. And through its influence over the globalists working for world domination, it is achieving this  FOR THE FULL ARTICLE, GO TO BIBLE BASED MINISTRIES, SOUTH AFRICA.

Saturday, January 13, 2024



Klaus Schwab Says The Theme Of The 2024 World Economic Forum Is All About ‘Rebuilding Trust’ In The Globalist Plan To Enslave The Planet. The Great Reset, and beyond the shadow of any doubt, things got ‘reset’ during the pandemic. The world was locked down, economies crashed, people sufficiently terrorized, and Barack Obama began his third term under the auspices of Joe Biden’s rented  body. Now the World Economic Forum wants to ‘rebuild trust’ with the next installment of the Great Reset, the Gaslighting Phase.

 According to the WEF site, themes this year will touch on global security, using AI to take control of the global economy, and to be the driving force behind the Climate Change oppression we all experience on a daily basis. Last but not least, they will begin preparations for Disease X, the awesome new successor to COVID-19. They added a note that says “This session is linked to the Partnership for Health System Sustainability and Resilience and the Collaborative Surveillance Initiative of the World Economic Forum.” Ahh, nothing like a healthy dose of ‘collaborative surveillance’, eh? What is that? Exactly what it sounds like.


Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book.

Monday, January 1, 2024




Why Not Both?

Christians need to think straight in many of these areas:

A false dilemma is a logical fallacy in which an either/or is being demanded, when a both/and is the way to go. One can get rather technical about all this, but let’s keep it really simple. An obvious and easy-to-understand example features a TV ad for tacos.

Adults are arguing and debating about which must be used: soft or hard taco shells. A little girl rightly asks, “Why not both?” Why not indeed! It is a false dilemma to demand one or the other when both can do. In this case it is a personal preference – a matter of choice. Thus there is no right or wrong answer.When it comes to more important matters however, we must be a bit more careful. Some things clearly ARE a case of either/or. Let me offer just one quick example of this. You can either embrace and affirm the teachings of Islam or you embrace and affirm the teachings of Christianity, but you cannot do both. CONTINUE HERE: