Friday, September 28, 2018

FOR HER REPUBLIC, while the evil 
Democrats (Demon-rats) will stop at
nothing, to destroy the Trump Presidency.
These Democrats are VILE, VICIOUS and yes, EVIL!
13Their throat is an open sepulchre;
With their tongues they have used deceit;
The poison of asps is under their lips:
14Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness:
15Their feet are swift to shed blood:
16Destruction and misery are in their ways:
17And the way of peace have they not known:
18There is no fear of God before their eyes. ROMANS 3:13-18

 Lindsey Graham said the Democrats are trying to paint Judge Kavanaugh as the Bill Cosby of high school at a hearing on Thursday following the testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, a woman accusing him of sexual misconduct. Graham called the event the "most despicable" thing he has witnessed in his time in politics.

Graham said this is all about power and that Democrats want to "destroy this guy's life." He wished them luck in 2020.

"Boy, you all want power. God, I hope you never get it. I HOPE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE CAN SEE THROUGH THIS SHAM." (Lindsey Graham said to Democrats.)

 SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC): Are you aware that at 9:23 on the night of July the 9th, the day you were nominated to the Supreme Court by President Trump, Senator Schumer said 23-minutes after your nomination, "I will oppose Judge Kavanaugh's nomination with everything I have, I have a bipartisan -- and I hope a bipartisan majority will do the same. The stakes are simply too high for anything less." Well, if you weren't aware of it, you are now.


Saturday, September 22, 2018

"Let favour be shewed to the wicked, yet
will he not learn righteousness:
in the land of uprightness will he deal
unjustly." Isaiah 26:10.

                                                      By Christian J. Pinto.
                    NOISE OF THUNDER RADIO SHOW.

A case running through the courts in England right now ought to provide a sober warning that the political advancement of Islam in the Western world is not only dangerous for the national security of any country, but also for sharing the message of salvation through Jesus Christ.  According to Jihad Watch:
“A Christian therapist in England who was suspended after being accused of evangelizing to a Muslim colleague has suffered another loss in court.”
A Christian woman named Victoria Wasteney is being punished by the increasingly socialist system in the U.K. for the offense of witnessing to a Muslim co-worker, and reportedly “trying to convert her to Christianity.”  While Wasteney was under the impression that she and her Muslim colleague were friends, she was shocked to learn that her friend was one who filed the complaint against her.
If one knows the history of England, it is truly disheartening to think that the land of William Tyndale, Myles Coverdale, John Bunyan, Oliver Cromwell (whose motto was “Christ, not man is King”), and Charles H. Spurgeon (known as the “Prince of Preachers”) should be now given over to leaders who have institutionalized such hostility to the Christian faith.
In the 19th century, historian J.A. Wylie wrote that:
 “God raised up Britain and gave her greatness beyond the measure of all former empires.  For what end?  That she might subserve the interests of the Gospel …. This is our first duty as a nation.  The neglect of it is our first sin, no matter what other duties we make ourselves busy about.”  (Wylie, “The Jesuits: their Moral Maxims and Plots”)
But how has the situation in England deteriorated to such a point that a woman witnessing for Jesus Christ is now seen as a violator of English law?  The answer can be partly traced to a major movement that began after the Second World War and continues to this day.  In fact, it’s an issue that has stirred up a lot of controversy in the Christian community of late. REMAINDER OF ARTICLE HERE:

The Vatican Abandons 12 Million Chinese Catholics As It Announces ‘Historic Deal’ With Communist Government


CHINESE CATHOLICS FAWNING OVER ANTICHRIST!                                                                                                        

The preliminary agreement with China "has been agreed following a long process of careful negotiation and foresees the possibility of periodic reviews of its application," the Vatican said in a statement issued as Pope Francis began a visit to the Baltic states. "It concerns the nomination of Bishops, a question of great importance for the life of the Church, and creates the conditions for greater collaboration at the bilateral level," it said. Analysts warn that Beijing could use the accord to further crackdown on Catholic faithful in China.


Pope Francis In Poland Tells World Famous Photographer ‘I Am The Devil’ Then Laughs It Off

Greeting journalists Saturday en route to Lithuania, Pope Francis was given a book about the former pope by Polish photographer Grzegorz Galazka. Receiving the large book with a beaming John Paul on the cover, Francis quipped: "Pope John Paul II was a saint, I am the devil."
THE QUESTION IS.... Was he joking? OR does he KNOW "WHO" he really is?
 Pope Francis has acknowledged that his reputation pales a bit compared to St. John Paul II — at least as far as Poles are concerned.


Friday, September 14, 2018

Since around the 1960's, Church buildings
have more resembled A CONCERT THEATRE. The reason being, that many
churches ARE Concert Theatres, with
the main "draw-card" being MUSIC and
ENTERTAINMENT with "items."
The following article is by David Cloud.
 SUGGESTED STATEMENT ON CHURCH MUSIC (Friday Church News Notes, September 14, 2018,,, 866-295-4143) - Some time back, we received the following request: “My father asked me to write to you and see if you have a statement about music standards that we could draw from in revising our church constitution. Music has become such a big topic in our day that he feels as senior pastor that we should have a clear, somewhat timeless statement about it in our constitution.” I sent the following, which is an update of a statement that we use in our churches in South Asia: 1. The church music must teach sound doctrine (Col. 3:16). The words of the songs must be right according to the teaching of the Bible. Most Contemporary Christian Music is unacceptable because it represents the ecumenical charismatic philosophy or it presents a vague message that lacks doctrinal clarity and strength. 


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

he just luuuves himself
SO MUCH!  He takes credit for things he did
not do, and absolves 
himself of wrongdoing!
Listen to this old song,
called ''I LOVE ME"
by Eddie Cantor HERE:  

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

 NEVER FORGET: Seventeen Years Later We Need To Remember The Real Lesson The Tragedy Of 9/11 Taught Us


Nearly 3,000 people left for work that day for their offices in the Twin Towers, and they never came back. They stepped out of thier homes and into eternity. But they were part of the larger group of roughly 250,000 people that died each and every day across the world. Life is short, tomorrow is not guaranteed but neither is the rest of today.  Every single day is precious gift from God, how will you spend it? 

Unable to get up, she softly repeated the same words over and over. She cried “The towers have fallen, no…no…how can this be? It all just collapsed…it’s all gone.”, as soft teardrops began to run down her face. It was in that moment when I knew nothing would ever be the same again
How well I remember this 9/11 day 17 years ago, when both towers of the World Trade Center were brought down. I remember the amazing and perfectly cornflower-blue sky that started the day, and how it would seem at such odds with the events that would shortly follow.
by Shaun Willcock,Bible Based Ministries.

New Article:
Top-Ranking Vatican Insider Accuses Francis I of a Cover-Up
by Shaun Willcock

Dear friends

As the massive global scandal of thousands of Roman Catholic priests having sexually abused tens of thousands of children and adults continues to grow, a potential bombshell has been dropped by an archbishop against his pope, Francis I.  On 25 August, Carlo Maria Viganò, a retired 77-year-old archbishop who had been the Vatican nuncio (ambassador) to the United States under popes Benedict and Francis, a man who has been described as a top-ranking Vatican “insider”, released an open letter in which he alleged that Francis knew, five years ago already, about the sexual molestation of seminarians by a former cardinal, Theodore McCarrick, because he himself (Viganò) had told him about it in June 2013.

Viganò actually urged the Roman pope to resign!  And not unexpectedly, the archbishop’s allegations threw the Vatican of Francis into a major crisis, with pro-Francis prelates scrambling wildly to contain the damage as the ripples spread out across the globe.

The article is attached.  It will be added to our website later in a few days’ time.


Monday, September 10, 2018


“Faced with the Pope’s reported statement,” Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò wrote in a new letter, “I feel obliged to recount the events as they really unfolded.”CreditCreditPool. photo by Charles Rex Arbogas  

  • ROME — The archbishop who accused Pope Francis of covering up a cardinal’s sexual misconduct has escalated his offensive with new, detailed accusations that put increasing pressure on a pontiff who the archbishop and his supporters say has misled the faithful and should resign.
    The accuser, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, initially said he would turn off his phone and disappear into hiding for fear of his safety. But he then made a series of new accounts in conservative Roman Catholic news outlets.
    In a new letter published late Friday by the conservative website LifeSiteNews, the archbishop gave his version of events leading up to the pope’s controversial September 2015 meeting with Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who refused to issue same-sex marriage licenses. His description contradicted the Vatican’s own account of that private meeting, maintaining that Francis’ lieutenants lied to the public about the encounter, which threatened to eclipse the pope’s entire trip to the United States that month.

    Saturday, September 1, 2018

    The video link (below) is presented by
    RICHARD BENNETT, former Roman
    Catholic (Dominican) priest for 22 years.
    Richard gives an in-depth study into the WORD of GOD, that is vital to SALVATION.
    To Roman Catholics, whether practicing or
    lapsed, devout or skeptical, this VIDEO
    is of utmost importance to you. 
    Richard answers questions regarding DOCTRINES, giving you BIBLICAL
    answers, comparing Rome's teachings with

    VIDEO HERE; (MAIN VIDEO COMMENCES AT THE 8 minute 45sec mark) 


    The Fascination and Veneration of Another Mary

    As millions of people travel to Lourdes, France in search of divine healing, some evangelical missionaries are warning that many are revering the Virgin Mary more than the Lord Jesus Christ. One Catholic said: "Mary takes Jesus' place on the cross. People come from far and wide to bring honor to her, to ask her for healing, to pray to her." Many of the pilgrims bring their statues of Mary, rosaries, and holy water. 

    Every year over 6 million people - Catholics and people of other faiths - visit Lourdes where they believe Mary appeared in 1858 on several occasions. The Vatican has declared the location a holy site for worshipers, with many believing that a cave with a natural spring, where Mary is said to have appeared, has healing properties. Each year, 350,000 people bathe in the spring, while over 7,000 have asked the Vatican to confirm their healings as a miracle. People come from all walks of life to visit the grotto. Buddhists and Hindus, Catholics and superstitious people are there. The wealthy and poor, young and old, black and white, western and eastern are there. They all walk together - unified in their hope and expectation of healing. Read entire article.

    Mike's Comment: Not only do Catholics embrace another Jesus, they believe another gospel, and venerate another Mary. Their fascination with apparitions claiming to be Mary may be part of Satan's last days' deception. We know from God's Word that "the coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders" (2 Thess. 2:9). As the Day of the Lord approaches, we should not be surprised if apparitions continue to increase. Satan's ultimate goal is to rebuild the religious tower of Babel, so he can receive the worship he has always craved. This is well documented in my DVD message The Coming One-World Religion.