Tuesday, March 23, 2021

12 Biblical Cases of Civil Disobedience.

Yes, there is a case for disobeying the state!

 Of course, whenever such matters are discussed, you will always get some Christians who will be all rather upset. They will claim that Christians must always obey the state, and that we must never disobey government authorities. They will often appeal to passages like Romans 13:1-7 to try to make their case.

 As mentioned, there are numerous cases of folks defying the authorities that are recorded in Scripture – either explicitly stated or implicitly implied. In both Testaments we have examples where the state or a ruler is disobeyed and those doing this are regarded in a favourable light.

 Sometimes this involves the direct defiance of a law or government decree. Sometimes it just involves a man of God standing up to an immoral or ungodly ruler. Let me offer twelve examples of this (thirteen, if we include Jesus in the list), in order of their appearance in Scripture, along with a brief bit of commentary on each:  FULL ARTICLE AND LINKS HERE:

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