Wednesday, November 25, 2020

 (Excerpt from N.T.E.B.)

What You Are Watching Now Unfolding In Real Time Is Nothing Less Than The Attempted Control And Enslavement Of The Entire Global Population.


For those of you gritting your teeth and praying for the end of 2020, you can stop now, 2021 is going to be worse, way worse. Why do I say that? Because the New World Order global elites who are running this show understand that they can get away with what their doing, and that neither the citizens of America or any other country will stand up to them and fight back. Because of that, the food shortages will be more severe in 2021, bread lines longer and the lockdowns? As you read this, Pennsylvania, California New York and New Jersey are all in various stages of lockdown. 
Psalm 56:4 In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I  will not fear what flesh can do to me. 

In New York, Gov. Andrew Cuomo issued a COVID-1984 executive order that lead to the immediate deaths of over 11,000 people. What is his punishment? He is celebrated by Hollywood and given an Emmy Award for his “courageous press briefings” during a “time of crisis”.

Lockdowns do a number on your brain, this is why so many people go insane in prison, separation and isolation can crush literally crush you from the inside out. Add to the lockdown unemployment, the inability to pay your bills, cancellation of live-saving surgeries, food shortages and bread lines, and where does that bring you? It brings you to Day #246 of Fifteen Days To Flatten The Curve, and other fairly tales for adults. For those of you gritting your teeth and praying for the end of 2020, you can stop now, 2021 is going to be worse, way worse. Why do I say that? Because the New World Order global elites who are running this show understand that they can get away with what their doing, and that neither the citizens of America or any other country will stand up to them and fight back. Because of that, the food shortages will be more severe in 2021, bread lines longer and the lockdowns? As you read this, Pennsylvania, California New York and New Jersey are all in various stages of lockdown.


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