Saturday, August 1, 2020


Jacopo Leone’s testimony is the cornerstone to gaining the ability to properly discern THE JESUIT ORDER’S influence in the world today; it provides statements from the high command of the Order, and what they planned for the 20th century. It gives light to the mysterious veil of secrecy they have enshrouded themselves in, allowing “externi” (as the Jesuits call those who are not members of their order) a glimpse of the greatest, and by far the most deadly SECRET SOCIETY ever encountered in the course of world history.

For instance, the conference’s closing statement from

"We will hereafter take this suggestion into our special consideration. Meanwhile, I thank you heartily for this conference; it has been much more instructive than the three former ones, the minutes of which you had better examine - I have them here for your better information; and I beg that each one of you will note down his observations upon them. But let me suggest that during a discussion on mere details it would be advisable not to allow too much predominance to the poetical elements of the question. These elements may be admitted when we have to consider our whole plan in the fullest light, whilst analysis of each separate question or problem should present a character as deliberate and cool as that of the synthesis ought to be warm and enthusiastic. I admire these two different kinds of talent, but I have rarely seen them united in the same individual. I have almost always found that those who were eloquent in the one way were mute in the other, and vice versa. Let us strive to combine the calmness of reason with the fire of enthusiasm. Christ, who saw the germ of so many splendid truths, teaches us that in order "to make ourselves master of the strong man, his house and his goods, we must first bind him."  Let us therefore become perfect in the art of loading the proud and powerful with chains.  Let us lay to heart this maxim as the rules of all our efforts: - one sole authority - that of Rome; one sole order - THAT OF THE JESUITS. And since our age does not boast of a single mind capable of aspiring to universal empire, for kings have enough to do to retain a hold upon their petty kingdoms which are slipping from their grasp, let it be ours to aim thus high, whilst empty heads are dreaming. Nulla dies sine linea. Let not any opportunity escape us of observing what are men's tendencies; the better we know them, the more useful they will be as instruments in our hands. Let us, at all events, so conduct ourselves that our future glory may compensate for our present abasement; for whether our name be destined to perish, or finally to prevail over kings and nations, let it, at least, be synonymous with the loftiest reach of greatness and daring which the world has ever seen or ever will see. Yes! when future generations read our story, and learn what we have been, let them be forced to assimilate us, not with mankind, but with those cosmogonic agencies which God only puts in motion when it is his pleasure to change the laws of the universe." 


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