Thursday, April 2, 2020

THE ''UNITED NATIONS" FLEXING OF MUSCLES: Begin Paying A 10% Global Tax For ‘COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund’ Amounting To $8.7 Trillion.


If countries were to accept the plan, the United Nations or some similar coordinating agency would be given the equivalent of approximately 8.7 trillion USD, an unprecedented amount that would be 2,900 times greater than the UN’s annual budget of 3 billion USD. The proposed plan would effectively place a global agency, presumably the UN itself, in charge of propping up the economies of the world during the coronavirus crisis, placing it in charge of 10% of global income.

United Nations wants 10% of entire planet’s annual income in fund for coronavirus response

FROM LIFE SITE NEWS: The United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, has announced the creation of a fund for addressing the global coronavirus pandemic – and he is simultaneously asking nations to contribute the equivalent of at least 10 percent of the annual income of the entire planet to a massive “human-centered, innovative and coordinated stimulus package” that would be administered at the international level. Although Guterres doesn’t state it explicitly, he seems to be connecting the new fund, which he calls a “dedicated COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund,” with the massive stimulus package plan, announcing both measures in the same press release.

Guterres also wants 100 billion USD for the World Health Organization, whose president has been blamed for helping to cause the coronavirus pandemic by repeating in January the Chinese government’s false claim that COVID-19 is not transmissible to humans.
He also wants the same organization to build an “interconnected Global Health Emergency System for data, workforce, and supplies.” Guterres says that the money would be channeled “not only to the business sector and lead firms, but to the workers and SMEs worldwide that underpin the global economy.”

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