Tuesday, December 1, 2015


News from Evangelist Mike Gendron  December 2015

Two Types of Terrorism

While the world is focused on the deadly terrorists attacks by radical Muslim jihadists, there is another terrorist attack that has been going on much longer and is much more dangerous because of its ETERNAL consequences. As we mourn over the loss of physical life and grieve with those who lost loved ones, we realize these tragedies are occurring far too often and in far too many places. It is good to know that some governments have finally declared war on ISIS and are pooling their resources to destroy them before they destroy us.

Wouldn't it be nice if the Body of Christ could unite against the spiritual terrorists that are attacking the Gospel of Jesus Christ?There are far too many of them in our churches that are leading people down the broad road to destruction. These terrorists are destroying spiritual lives with their perversions of the Gospel and they get away with it because they disguise themselves as servants of righteousness (2 Cor. 11:15). As deceitful workers, they raise doubts about God's Word, undermine its authority and deceive people with a false and fatal gospel. The only defense against such deadly activity is to expose their evil deeds of darkness (Eph. 5:11). They need to be identified by name so that gullible people will not be caught in their web of deception. Unmasking terrorists is critical for the glory and honor of our Savior and the sanctity of His Church..
Tragically, the evangelical church seems oblivious, unconcerned and indifferent to Satan's army of terrorists who have infiltrated the church with the objective of destroying lives. There is a war going on inside the church that is being ignored because the enemy is disguised as an angel of light and clothes himself in sheep's clothing. As we look as the recent history of the church, we see the great destruction that has been caused by the fiery darts of spiritual terrorists. Satan has planted these terrorist with little or no resistance. The terrorists who are hidden in the church are much more dangerous than the terrorists who are hidden in the neighborhoods of the world because those terrorists can only cause physical death. The terrorists in the church can cause eternal spiritual death with their damnable lies. More than ever we need to contend earnestly for the faith (Jude 3). Our armor and strategy to defend the Body of Christ against spiritual terrorism is found in Ephesians 6:10-20. All of us need to be faithful soldiers for Christ.

 Blogger's Note: While this Jesuit Pope swans around Africa, deceiving and being deceived, the Christian Church is focused on ISLAM, as this (obvious) enemy. The Vatican and Islam have a long history of "brotherhood." 

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