Friday, July 26, 2024


Democrat Activists Write ‘Hamas Is Coming’ On The Christopher Columbus Memorial Fountain at Union Station, Tear Down & Burn American Flags. AND A MARXIST HYENA (AKA HARRIS) TAKES THE DEMOCRAT LEADER!


Anti-Israel activists vandalized Washington DC landmarks in protest of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address before Congress Wednesday, defacing them with pro-Hamas slogans and pulling down the Stars and Stripes and replacing them with Palestinian flags.

Americans in 2024 just need to get comfortable with the idea that civil war is about to break about in cities all across the United States. It is borne of the Left from a hatred that, only a daily basis, is nurtured and stoked in order to reach the soon-coming flash point. Yesterday in our nation’s capitol, we watched in real-time horror on social media as thousands of anti-America and anti-Israel domestic terrorists from the radical Left wreaked havoc attacked police and anyone deemed to be ‘pro-Zionist’. To prove their point, they burned American flags. In case you haven’t noticed, America now has our very own version of the Nazi brownshirts, and they are made up of the various domestic hate groups like ANTIFA, the Occupy Movement and Black Lives Matter burn down buildings, rape women, pillage businesses and shoot people dead in the street. This new faction, we’ll call them the pro-Palestinian Movement, is much worse than anything that took place on January 6th. These people have the full support of the Biden administration, and should Kamala Harris be successful in her coup, these gangs will control the streets.


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