Wednesday, April 10, 2024

 Bible Prophecy Speaks of THE PAPACY (Pt 2)

By Shaun Willcock.  The Papacy vs. Other Institutions Seeking World Control.  


 “There is, behind all these groups, a far more powerful and sinister organisation, one which is all the more deadly because it appears so beautiful and holy. According to the written Word of God, as well as the historical evidence which perfectly fits the prophetic picture, this is the Roman Catholic institution.”1 I state this categorically, with the full weight of the divinely inspired prophetic Scriptures and the accumulated evidence of many centuries of history behind it: when it comes to the conspiracy for world control, Bible prophecy speaks of the Roman Papacy! – in the book of Daniel, 2 Thessalonians 2, 1 John, and almost the entire book of Revelation. Secret societies like the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, etc., are nowhere mentioned in God’s Word. Very plainly, God the Holy Spirit has shown the true Church where to focus attention, when it comes to identifying and being warned about the Church’s greatest enemy. The Roman Catholic institution is shown to be, beyond all contradiction, the greatest enemy the Christian Church has ever had, or will ever have.

 Just because, in the present ecumenical climate, the Roman Papacy is not usually using the openly violent tactics it used for hundreds of years, does not mean it has now repented, reformed, and somehow gone from being the Great Whore to the Virgin Bride of Christ merely by putting on some nice, new clothes! It is the same old harlot described in the Scriptures. Nowhere are we told in Scripture that Rome will ever change for the better, and truly the evidence from around the world demonstrates this beyond all doubt. What Muslim and Communist fanatics are doing in the world today, and have been doing for a long time, is what Papist fanatics did for century after long century. More recently, in Croatia, Rwanda and Mexico, Papists did the same things. Islam kills in the name of its god; Communism kills in the name of no god; but Popery has done the same thing for centuries. The Illuminati, Communism, Islam and others all want to take over the world; but Popery has desired this for its entire existence and still does. At present, for its own purposes the Papacy has changed tactics for the most part, and presents a smiling face to the world (even though the discerning can still see blood on the harlot’s lips); but a change of tactics does not mean a change of heart. Until the Lord Jesus Christ returns, the Roman Papacy will be the greatest enemy of Christ, His Church and His Gospel in the whole world.THE FULL ARTICLE MAY BE READ 

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