Friday, March 1, 2024





 Illustration Of Moloch


 THE RETURN OF MOLECH’S FURNACE e following is excerpted from  BridgeHead, June 6, 2023: “In 2017, Dr. Jerry Coyne of the University of Chicago complained that the residual effects of Christianity were holding Western civilization back. How? It was Christian ethics, he said, that were preventing legal infanticide from making a comeback. He wrote, ‘When religion vanishes, as it will, so will much of the opposition to both adult and newborn euthanasia.’ ... Princeton bio-ethicist Peter Singer argues that only religious superstition is keeping us from killing infants, a practice he believes to be perfectly ethical. As he wrote in Practical Ethics: ‘Killing a defective infant is not morally equivalent continued on NEXT page ‘Killing a defective infant is not morally equivalent to killing a person. Sometimes it is not wrong at all.’ ! PAGE 1 VOLUME 25, ISSUE 09 Way of Life Literature MARCH 1, 2024 THE RETURN OF MOLECH’S FURNACE  Canadian cognitive psychologist Steven Pinker of MIT doesn’t go quite as far as Singer, but likely shares his views. In 1997, Pinker wrote in the New York Times that laws against infanticide were difficult to defend. ... In his test balloon essay, Pinker quotes the Michael Tooley’s 1972 essay ‘Abortion and Infanticide.’ ... Tooley himself noted that he would establish ‘some period of time, such as a week aer birth, as the interval during which infanticide will be permitted.’ ... On August 2, 2020, a study titled ‘Healthcare professionals’ attitudes towards termination of pregnancy at viable stage’ released by the Research Foundation Flanders and Ghent University found that 89.1% of medical professionals and 93.6% of Belgian medical professionals indicated that infanticide is acceptable in certain circumstances. Of those surveyed, 87.9% ‘agrees that Belgian law should be changed to make this possible.’ ... Infanticide has already been de facto legal in limited circumstances in the Netherlands for some time. Children under the age of one with a terminal prognosis can be euthanized under the 2004 Groningen Protocol, which one journal described as an attempt ‘to regulate the practice of actively ending the life of newborns and to prevent uncontrolled and unjustified killing.’ ... On October 7, 2022, Dr. Louis Roy of the Quebec College of Physicians told the Canadian House of Commons’ Special Joint Committee on Medical Assistance in Dying that, in the view of his organization, euthanasia for infants under the age of one should be legal if the baby in question has ‘grave and severe syndromes’ or ‘severe malformations’ or ‘prospective of survival is null, so to speak.’”

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