Friday, August 27, 2021

CALL HIM JOE DIVIDEN: With His Head Bowed In Defeat, The American President’s Policies Are Now Creating The World’s Largest Terror State. Sleepy Joe(ke) and his minions LIE and LIE, about the true situation in AFGHANISTAN, as they do for everything else!


April was when President Joe Biden ordered all U.S. troops to withdraw from Afghanistan by August 31. As the military continued its withdrawal, the Taliban began its offensive and succeeded in taking over the country in just 11 days by August 14. After the rapid takeover by the Taliban, Biden ordered 6,000 U.S. troops to Afghanistan and the region to evacuate American citizens, Afghans, and others out. The 13 service members killed Wednesday were part of that evacuation mission. Military officials say they are not sure if the Taliban — who the U.S. has been relying on to man checkpoints to the airport — allowed the ISIS bomber and additional attackers through. 

Pentagon Confirms Thousands of Islamic State Prisoners Released by Taliban, The White House on Friday braced Americans for more terrorist attacks in Afghanistan, a day after twin suicide bombers killed 13 U.S. troops in Kabul. 

FROM BREITBART NEWS: The freeing of thousands of Islamic State prisoners is under scrutiny after an Islamic State suicide attacker killed 13 American service members and a number of Afghan and other nations’ civilians at a gate at the Hamid Karzai International Airport on Thursday.

NOTE:  “I don’t know the exact number — clearly it’s in the thousands when you consider both prisons, because both of them were taken over by the Taliban and emptied,” Kirby said, speaking of prisons on Bagram Air Base and Kandahar Air Field that held ISIS prisoners.

"This is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth: and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all the nations. For the LORD of hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul it? and his hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back?" Isaiah 14:26,27 (KJB)

As you read this, ‘President’ Joe Dividen has made it possible not only for the Taliban to rise to power, for ISIS to make a comeback, but as thousands of Islamic state prisoners are being let out of prison, for Afghanistan to become the new terror capitol of the world. This is not happening because America is leaving Afghanistan, it is happening because we left Afghanistan in the worst possible way, as cowards sneaking out in the dead of night, and leaving our allies to fend for themselves. History will record this time period as the moment when America ceased to be. (Excerpt from N.T.E.B.)


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