Saturday, January 9, 2021


Bill Muehlenberg's commentary on issues of the day...


Yes, Leftist Totalitarianism Is Upon Us

Jan 10, 2021

This war is real – and getting worse:

Can conservatives sometimes use words like ‘tyranny,’ ‘fascism,’ and totalitarianism’ too often and too easily? Yes. Are they right to be using them now, especially in light of the Tech Giants’ war on conservatives and Christians? Absolutely.

What we have been witnessing in just the past few days should shock every single one of us – even if you are a leftist. When even the President of the United States and others have their ability to speak freely ripped away from them by the likes of Facebook or Apple or Twitter or Google or YouTube then you know the dark cloud of tyranny and fascism has indeed descended upon America and the West.

Of course many of us have been warning about this for years now, but our concerns mainly fell on deaf ears. Now that millions of people are experiencing firsthand these cases of censorship and bigotry from the Tech Tyrants, hopefully many more will wake up.

As I wrote in an article yesterday:

Google and Apple are banning Parler, a newish social media site which conservatives and Christians have been flocking to in order to avoid all the censorship and bigotry of Facebook and Twitter, etc:

Many folks are now rightly warning that a Democrat-controlled Presidency, Congress and Senate will mean a major crackdown on all of us dissidents. See these four new pieces for starters.

Let me here quote from some of those articles, plus a few others. The ban of free speech for a sitting President certainly shocked many folks. As the former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley said in a tweet, “Silencing people, not to mention the President of the US, is what happens in China not our country. #Unbelievable.”

An article from an Australian commentator begins this way:

Beneath the noise of America’s Capitol Hill protests lurks the silent rise of Silicon Valley. Tens of thousands of social media users have vanished from the online discussion – snuffed out in the last twenty-four hours without acknowledgement by the platforms involved. It is the erasure of political opposition to create the illusion of consensus. What was once a playground of ideas has become a digital ‘yes-man’ for those with delusions of power. 

Purging is customary at the beginning of a cultural revolution. When emotionally insecure political movements take power, their first course of action is to expunge criticism. Historically, this was achieved through murder and expulsion of populations from a region. In 2020, civilisation’s ideological landscape is digital and the eviction is via an account suspension.



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