Saturday, April 6, 2019


Pope Francis Appoints Pro-Gay Archbishop Wilton Gregory To Oversee Transition Of The Catholic Church In Welcoming LGBTQP Members

The Vatican under Antichrist will finally be the true One World Religion she has always sought to be, and Satan will imbue her with mind-boggling power. But her end will come in one hour at the Battle of Armageddon at the Second Coming. Jesus Christ Himself will lead the charge to the destruction of the Vatican and the Catholic church. In the meantime, please enjoy this story of Pope Francis appointing a pro-gay bishop to help the Catholic church join with the global LGBTQ+P for pedophile community.  Currently, the Catholic church is plagued with incessant in-fighting, relentless pedophile sex scandals, and a whole host of other pressing issues. But Catholics take heart, the “glory days” are about to return the the Vatican. What do I mean by that? Well, the bible tells us that during the time of Jacob’s trouble, the Catholic Church will reclaim her former glory and power of ruling the world from Rome. Revelation 17 and 18 shows us the Vatican as the Whore of Babylon, and she appears to be unstoppable. But she will be stopped, and by the very One she claims to follow.

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