Monday, June 12, 2017

Pope Francis Demands ‘Total Obedience’ In Scathing Letter To ‘Renegade’ Nigerian Catholic Priests

Pope Francis has issued an ultimatum to the priests of the Diocese of Ahiara, giving them 30 days to write a letter promising absolute obedience to him along with the acceptance of their appointed bishop. Priests who do not write a personal letter imploring the Pope’s forgiveness will be suspended from the priesthood.

In what is perhaps the most strongly worded address of the Francis pontificate, the Pope blasted a group of Nigerian priests who have rejected the papal appointment of their bishop to the diocese of Ahiara, comparing them to the “murderous tenants” spoken of by Jesus in the gospel.

"And call no man your fahter upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven." Matt. 23:9

EDITOR’S NOTE: Pope Francis has amazingly written in a single letter everything you need to know about the Vatican and the Roman Catholic system. Some Catholic priests in Nigeria have decided to start thinking for themselves, and this ‘traitorous act’ was greeted with swift denunciation from the unholy, childless “father”, Pope Francis. In this letter he 1). demands total obedience of the priests to himself, 2). demands they worship the “holy mother”, and 3). tells them to write a letter to beg his forgiveness or “suffer the consequences”.  Think I’m kidding? Click here to read the full letter on the official Vatican website. 

The Pope goes on to describe the priests’ offense against the Church as a “mortal sin,” demanding that each one write a personal letter of apology manifesting “total obedience to the Pope.”FULL ARTICLE HERE:

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