Thursday, May 18, 2017

Here Are 12 Times Liberal Democrats Refused To Impeach Barack Obama After He Broke The Law

The Obama administration paid ransom to Iran for hostages, and lied to the American people about it. As the Daily Wire has explained, the Obama administration claimed that they were giving a total of $1.7 billion to Iran to settle a failed arms deal with the previous Iranian regime, and it just happened to coincide with the release of four American hostages.

Obama’s presidency has been mired with numerous scandals that would be blared on the news 24/7 if he were a Republican. But because he’s a Democrat, too many people buy Obama’s argument that his presidency has been scandal-free

EDITOR’S NOTE: The very same Liberals, Democrats and fake news media pretend journalists who are now calling for President Trump’s impeachment, were strangely silent during the 8 long years of absolutely jaw-dropping scandals and egregious lawbreaking done by the Obama administration. Have you forgotten the 4 dead Americans directly killed in Benghazi by Obama’s “leadership”, and then how he lied about a “video” being the cause? So in case you have somehow forgotten just how illegal and subversive Barack Hussein Obama and his minions really were, here are some stellar and actionable offenses in no particular order to help jog your memory. 

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