Saturday, April 9, 2016

The Roman Catholic "Church" prides herself on being

"SEMPER EADEM:" (Always the same!)  Oh REALLY?
Image result for image of priest Latin Mass
 Semper Eadem?

You’ve Got To Be Kidding!

One of the claims frequently encountered by those of us who deal daily with the soul-killing teachings of the Roman Catholic Church is that it never changes. “Semper Eadem,” is the cry, “Always the same.”

Well, God never changes, He told us that Himself, through the writings of His prophets (Malachi 3:6). The Roman Catholic Church claims to have been established by Christ Himself weeks before Pentecost, based on a self-serving flawed interpretation of Matthew 16:18. The Roman Catholic Church claims its leadership can be traced in an unbroken succession all the way back to Peter and that that leader, when speaking ex cathedra on matters of faith and morals is infallible, as is its Extraordinary Magisterium. Given all this and the claim that the Magisterium is protected from error by the Holy Spirit, then it stands to reason that the Roman Catholic Church should be always the same. After all, if God does not change, why should His church be any different?

But is that claim true? Is the Roman Catholic Church always the same? I recall that Masses were said with the priest standing at the altar, back to the congregation when I was a kid. I recall the Mass being said in Latin – what little of it I could hear – and having to rely on a Missal to translate the Latin for me so I would know what was going on. I recall not being able to eat or drink anything, not even a sip of water, from midnight until an hour after communion, lest I be guilty of mortal sin in taking the host into my mouth. I remember never eating meat on Fridays, under threat of being guilty of mortal sin. I recall Ember Days. That’s all changed now.

“So what?” the Catholic apologist might sneeringly ask. “Those are but accidentals, matters of Church discipline and practice. They have nothing to do with doctrine.”

That may be true, but it is hardly proof that official RCC doctrine and dogma do not change. Can it be shown, from official Catholic sources alone, that RCC doctrine and dogma indeed to change? A few examples should suffice to prove that they do.

I doubt there were any loan companies or pawnshops in ancient times in any of the lands under the Roman Catholic Yoke. For the reasons, let us look to Canon Law, which my Catholic dictionary defines as:
The name given to the official body of laws by which the Church is governed. Present Church law originated in regulations, or canons, enacted by councils or synods…The current code – incorporating revisions required by the Second Vatican Council – was promulgated by Pope John Paul II in 1983.[1]


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