Friday, April 29, 2016



"The Islamic Antichrist Deception."

Dear friends

Of late, a theory that has floated around for many years has come to the fore among many Futurists, for the simple reason that the religion of Islam has taken such a centre stage in the world today.  This is the theory of an Islamic Antichrist.

But according to Bible prophecy, the Antichrist is not still future, nor will he be Islamic.  The Antichrist is here, he has been here for many hundreds of years, and his seat is the seven-hilled city of Rome.  As recognised by believers throughout the centuries, the pope of Rome, and each and every pope of Rome, is the prophesied Antichrist of God’s holy Word.  The identifying marks of Antichrist cannot, by any stretch of the imagination, be applied to a Muslim. 

Today, Rome is making use of the ecumenical movement to deceive Protestants.  The Great Whore wears a smile on her face and prefers not to let the blood of her persecution of Protestants through the centuries show.  She leaves the bloody work, for the most part, to Islam.  She is advancing through subtlety, deceit, pretence, lies, smiles.  And she is succeeding as never before.  Islam’s brutality repulses; Rome’s apparent sweetness entices.  Islam is most definitely anti-Christian, in that it hates Christ and the true Church; but the Papacy is not only anti-Christian, the Roman pope is the biblical Antichrist.  The Papacy is the greatest enemy of the Christ of God, His true Church, and His Word, that has ever existed on the face of the earth, or ever will.  Let no man deceive you by any means!

This new pamphlet can be easily accessed by clicking on the link below.  You can read it online, or simply click on the PDF format and you will be able to download and print it:

If you have any trouble accessing the pamphlet via the link above, then:
1)    Go to our website:
2)    Click on “Pamphlets” in the left hand menu, go to pg.3, and scroll down till you find the pamphlet.    LINK TO ARTICLE HERE:

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