Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Incredible Extent Of Planned Parenthood’s Hatred For Human Life Revealed


  April 4, 2016

The trail of Planned Parenthood blood that flows through the streets of America via abortion is catastrophic, with no end in sight.

'Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill, and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment." 
  Matthew 5:21 (KJV)

Let me just say at the outset that this is not an anti-abortion article, it goes far deeper than that. No one will argue that abortion in America, while a sin according to the Bible, is quite legal and readily available. We all get that. But information has recently come across our desk that is actually breathtaking in it’s scope when you consider the full ramifications of it.

The other day, a Planned Parenthood political advocacy executive changed her identification on Twitter after she slammed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for referring to a “fetus” as an “unborn child” and saying she is open to restrictions on abortion later in pregnancy. Diana Arellano, manager of community engagement for Planned Parenthood Illinois Action, tweeted Sunday that Clinton “calls a fetus an ‘unborn child’ & calls for later term restrictions,” a statement Arellano says “further stigmatizes #abortion.”
Now let that sink in for a moment. Ms. Arellano and Planned Parenthood are not advocating for abortion as it is already legal and Hillary Clinton is very much in favor of it. No, what has Ms. Arellano so incensed is that Clinton has the audacity (pun intended) to actually refer to that “growing lump of cells” in a pregnant woman’s body as a child, a baby, a (gasp!) human being. Unwittingly, Arellano revealed in a moment of time the true agenda of the rabid Left in America. Death by doctors.

Margaret Sanger 

Margaret Sanger, hero to the Liberal Left in America, was an evil, bitter, jaded old woman who hated babies, but most of all hated black babies. On many levels she was worse than Hitler because her legacy is much more far-reaching, and her total number of “kills” makes Adolf look like a rank amateur. Her infamous ‘Negro Project’ is still being carried out to this day.
Modern day America is a fractured, lost, and hopelessly confused society. The ruling elite fight tooth and nail for the “rights” of the LGBTQP movement to be given, and yet, has absolutely no love, respect or compassion for the smallest of our citizenry, unborn babies. In Nazi Germany, Hitler said that the Jews were “subhumans” that had no soul and deserved any horrible act that came their way. That thinking led to 11,000,000 people killed in the Nazi concentration camps, and when it was found out the world rightly recoiled in horror. Yet, the statistics on the number of aborted babies far and away exceeds those killed in concentration camps in WWII.
Number of abortions in America and worldwide:
  • Number of abortions in the United States today – 2,693
  • Number of abortions in the United States since Roe v. Wade – 58,870,500
  • Number of abortions by Planned Parenthood so far in 2016 – 84,472
  • Number of black babies aborted since 1973 – 17,661,151
  • Number of abortions globally since 1980 – 1,410,428,839 source
On NBC’s Meet the Press Sunday, Clinton told host Chuck Todd, “the unborn person doesn’t have constitutional rights.”:  STORY HERE:

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