Saturday, June 29, 2024



Pope Francis Says That ‘Climate Change Deniers Are Stupid’ As He Preaches The Gospel Of Gaia And New Age Paganism To Bible Illiterate Catholics. The New Age Antichrist!

Imagine calling yourself the ‘Vicar of Christ’, a Roman Catholic title which means whoever holds that position is the personification of Jesus Christ on this Earth. Wow, how awesome that must be. You might well imagine that someone called the Vicar of Christ would be a veritable storehouse of Bible knowledge and scripture references, just like the real Jesus is in the Bible. Yet somehow, Pope Francis, the current Vicar of Christ, doesn’t seem to know any Bible at all, and when he mentions things like the Holy Spirit, they are very often in complete disharmony with the biblical Holy Spirit. It’s like walking into McDonald’s and walking out with an Impossible Burger, something just doesn’t add up.

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