Monday, June 10, 2024


Europeans are turning against Leftist Parties and Policies

A big swing to the conservatives in Europe is a game changer:

Recent national elections and European Union elections have sent shock waves down the spine of Europe’s leftist leaders and parties. Conservative parties in a number of European countries have dominated the leftist parties. From Ireland to France to Belgium to Germany, the conservatives are clearly in the ascendency.

What is the reason for all this? The elections that were just held over the weekend clearly and unambiguously show that a good majority of Europeans are deeply concerned about the big two ‘Is’: immigration and Islamisation. And these two go together like two sides of a coin.

Open border policies in which almost no questions have been asked over the decades have meant that countless Muslims have moved into Europe. If they all came because they affirm the values and beliefs of the West, that would be one thing. But so many do not. FULL STORY :HERE

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