THE LOVING POISON DART FROG (Friday Church News Notes, December 6, 2024,,, 866-295- 4143) The following is from, October 11, 2024: “The Choco Indians of Panama and Colombia use the poison from the skin of the beautiful poison dart frog to make their lethal darts. The bright orange and deep blue skin of this frog serves to warn predators that it is best left alone and its poisonous skin untouched. Although it is deadly, the poison dart frog is one of the most loving parents in the entire amphibian world. The female will lay about a dozen eggs in the leaf litter within her mate’s territory. Both parents will stand watch over the eggs, keeping them moist, until the tadpoles emerge. Then the female allows each tadpole, one at a time, to wriggle onto her back. She takes each tadpole, in its turn, to its own miniature pond created by water trapped in the fronds of jungle plants. The mother poison dart frog remembers where each one of her tadpoles is and returns on a regular schedule to lay infertile eggs for the growing youngster to eat. I would prefer to think that the care of the adult poison dart frogs for their children grows out of a sense of love for their offspring, and we know that God is the author of all love. But even if this care is programmed instinct, we must still find the ‘programmer’--and that takes us back to the Creator once again. Such wisdom cannot be said to come from nowhere
Friday, December 13, 2024
Francis Blesses The ‘Christ In The Rubble’ Nativity Scene That Depicts
Baby Jesus Wearing The Keffiyeh Headscarf Of The Palestinian People.
If you’ve been following the exploits of Pope
Francis for any length of time, then you know just how anti-Christian
and unbiblical he actually is. One of the ways he likes to show his
hostility towards the God of the Bible is in his choices of s0-called
nativity scenes. Back in 2020, Pope Francis unveiled a nativity scene
that was straight out of a horror movie, something that could have been
plucked from the deepest recesses of a pagan temple. Here in 2024, the
Catholic monarch has put his ‘blessing’ on the ‘Christ In The Rubble’,
a depiction of the baby Jesus as a Palestinian wearing the traditional
keffiyeh scarf of a Palestinian. Check out our article on what the Bible has to say about Palestine.
“And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross. And the writing was, JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS.”John 19:19 (KJB)
Biden Is Now Planning On Issuing Pre-Emptive Pardons For The Myriad
Criminals Who Populate His Administration Before President Trump Takes Over.
You knew that Hunter Biden would be let off scot-free, that was obvious after the full-court press enacted by the Biden government in collusion with the media to bury the truth
about his hell-filled laptop. But what you were not likely counting on
was having the people who control Joe Biden start issuing pre-emptive
pardons for the rest of the criminals in his corrupt administration.
That would appear to be happening.
“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.”Proverbs 29:2 (KJB)
The image you see of Joe Biden in this article is
quite telling, as it shows you the used and soon-to-be discarded body of
a man who, decades ago, sold his soul to the Devil in exchange for
riches and power. No one on Earth believes that Joe Biden has been the
president the past four years, no one. Even his most ardent supporters
know he is not the power. He has been nothing but the embodiment of Barack Obama’s third term, conducted from the basement as Obama himself has said he would do. Pre-emptive pardons??? That’s Mafia-level stuff, man, that’s those ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’ you see in Article II, Section 4
of the United States Constitution come to life. Joe Biden began his
term in controversy and is ending it in the deepest levels of criminal
activity and corruption. Good riddance!
Thursday, December 5, 2024
Select Subcommittee Ends An Exhaustive 2-Year Study To Conclude That
Vaccine Mandates ‘Did More Harm Than Good’ And ‘Mask Mandates Were
In June of 2021, our decade-long NTEB page on
Facebook had well over 200,000 followers, and it was growing all the
time. People really seemed to appreciate our hard-hitting-end times
articles on topics like the COVID vaccine, the global Pandemic and the
lockdowns. Facebook, however, branded our articles on those subjects as
‘misinformation’, ‘false news’, and in ‘violation of Facebook Community
Standards’. In short order, our page was unpublished, and the work of a decade gone in a moment. Today, findings released by the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic say that everything we told you was 100% true and accurate. Imagine that. Hey, Zuckerberg, do we get our page back now?
“And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.”2 Peter 2:2 (KJB)
Sunday, November 17, 2024
Detransitioned Teens: Regret for the Rest of Their Lives. NEWS WITH VIEWS.
Humans are born with two biological sexes: Male and female. No
amount of puberty blockers, teachers secretly encouraging KIDS they are
not the biological sex they are born with and they should “trans”;
social media encouraging young girls they’re really a boy. Cut off your
breasts and never have children.
The same propaganda being promoted on social media sites only they
and the prostitute media (with some exceptions) forget to tell confused
young boys, girls, teens or their parents the long-term consequences of what is being done to their bodies that is irreversible.
This transgender “cult” has swept across this country over the past
decade like a tornado. Right along with the NONSENSE of addressing a
person using silly pronouns. “Hi, I’m the/they glad to meet you.”
Employers have been sued for not addressing someone who needs mental
health treatment to determine why that person does not want to use their
name but rather “pronoun(s)”.
American People Voted To Repeal Wokeism, Abortion, Transgender Tyranny,
DEI, Inflation, Open Borders And The Entire Main Stream Media.
America voted for America last Tuesday night, and rejected the
radical woke agenda offered by Kamala Harris and the Democrat machine,
but what comes now?
Last Tuesday night, the American people voted across
the board to rid our nation of about a half-dozen things that no one
wanted. Voters said with their ballots that they were tired of a bad
economy with high inflation, tired of open borders and the endless
procession of illegals flooding our states, and tired of the Obama Transgender Manifesto that sought to elevate the perceived needs of a resounding minority above and beyond the needs of the majority. The best part?
Donald Trump was handed his landslide mandate by a wonderful coalition
of blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians, and yes, even LGBT voters. In
short, America voted for America, and America won, but how long can we hang on to it?
“Put them in fear, O LORD: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah.”Psalm 9:20
Saturday, November 2, 2024
Saturday, October 19, 2024
October 31st. REFORMATION DAY!
Sadly, the majority of Western "Christianity" has fallen for HALLOWEEN, or All Hallows Eve, a "celebration" of departed souls. A night of WITCHES, GOBLINS, GHOSTS AND DEMONS and Trick or treat for the kids.
As a former Roman Catholic, I remember that October 31st, was ALL SOULS DAY, which is in fact, HALLOWEEN. Rome is a sly fox!
Martin Luther, nailing his 95 theses.
ROMAN CATHOLICISM HATES the Glorious Reformation, which gave us the freedom to have the BIBLE and returned us to the TRUE GOSPEL of Our LORD, Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
The Other Woman Rome Rides Upon the Beast and Will Fall
By William Mencarrow
Rev. 17:13-18 “These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto
the beast. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall
overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that
are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful. And he saith unto
me, The waters, which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples,
and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. And the ten horns which thou
sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her
desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. For
God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give
their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be
fulfilled. And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which
reigneth over the kings of the earth.”
This is the woman John saw in Rev. 17 and later. To refresh our memory:
[1] And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven
vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto
thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:
[2] With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the
inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her
[3] So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a
woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy,
having seven heads and ten horns.
[4] And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and
decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in
her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
Democratic Gov. Tim Walz signed legislation in 2023 that further
enshrined the right to abortion and gender-affirming care into law and
another that bans so-called conversion therapy.
Tim Walz is the Democratic Party nominee for vice president, and he very
much has an agenda for America’s children as his tenure a governor of
Minnesota clearly shows . If elected, Walz and Kamala Harris would make
the surgical mutilation and castration of our nation’s children a high
priority, and on a level that that Auschwitz “angel of death doctor”
Josef Mengele could only have dreamed of. Have you ever watched Tim Walz
on the campaign trail? He is very effeminate, and just may be preparing his own ‘coming out’ party. The 6-color LGBTQIA Pride banner is really a battle flag, and they are winning the war.
“They send forth their little ones like a flock, and their children dance.”Job 21:11 (KJB)
Under Barack Obama, transgenders became big business, and an entire generation of public school children
were subjected to endless mental conditioning about gender from
teachers guidance counsellors and through their classroom textbooks.
Children bought the lie they were force-fed, and seemingly overnight, a
brand-new category that has previously never existed was suddenly front
and center. Tim Walz in 2023 signed bills into laws that created a ‘trans refuge state’
in Minnesota, and as vice president he and Harris will seek to do that
to the other 49. This is wickedness on a level straight out of the
Bible, this is worse
than what the Nazis tried to do. If Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are
elected, you will either be part of The Party, or you will be in the
Resistance. I stand in complete opposition to the evil that’s coming, and indeed is already upon us. The question is where do you stand?
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
The Most Far Left Ticket in American History
Tim Walz
The Governor is 60 years old. Kamala is 59. Together they have 119
years on them. If critics claim Trump is too old at 78 (hey, they did
not mind Sleepy Joe at 81), Vance is 39, making their team 117 years! So
I am not sure how age should be seen as a factor here.
He was elected as Governor of Minnesota in 2018, and again in 2022.
He is in every respect a far left liberal. Here are just some bullet
points as to the man, his positions, and his track record. As with
Kamala, had he has said and what he has done tells us all we need to
know. Consider these points:
He supports sanctuary states and sanctuary cities for illegals.
He fully supports illegal immigration.
He gave illegal aliens drivers licenses, free health care access, free tuition, and so on.
He said that if Trump builds 25-foot walls on the southern border, he
would produce 30-foot ladders for those wanting to illegally enter
He fully supports the radical and woke sexual agendas.
He pushed sex-change operations for children – regardless of parental consent.
He even forced schools to have tampons in boy’s fourth grade bathrooms.
He of course loves Communist China.
He visited China over 30 times! He even went there to teach earlier on.
He married on the eve of the Tiananmen Square massacre, and then honeymooned there!
He is a self-professed socialist. He says socialism just means being “neighbourly”!
He is fully pro BLM (Black Lives matter).
He allowed rioting, looting and arson in the cities in the summer of 2020 – Minneapolis especially.
He blamed the riots on a lack of “equity” and “inclusion”.
He allowed police stations to be burned down.
He called the rioting and destruction “large peaceful protests”.
He supported the rioting while Kamala worked to get the rioters out on bail.
The Minneapolis leftist mayor had begged Walz to bring in the
National Guard to stop the destruction of the city, but he had to wait
five days before Walz finally acted. But by then it was too late of
course – the damage was done.
He was in favour of defunding the police.
His weak-on-crime policies have meant the state has seen crime rates soar.
Crime in Minneapolis in now higher than the national average.
He has said he thinks the Minnesota state flag is racist!
He also did care for national historical figures. For example, he did nothing to stop statues of Columbus being toppled.
He opposed reliable energy moving into Minnesota, wanting to ban fracking and fossil fuels.
He of course supports abortion up to birth.
He has a 100 per cent rating from Planned Parenthood.
During the Covid wars he pushed some of the most hardcore mandates and lockdowns in the nation.
He created a Covid snitch line so people could report on their neighbours for not being compliant and servile citizens.
He even bribed teenagers with promises of scholarships if they got the jab.
This is just a partial record of this hyper-leftist. So for Kamala to
team up with Walz, we really do have the most radical, the most
“progressive,” and the most dangerous pair seeking to run for the top
job in American history.
And of course the lamestream media is colluding with the pair to try
to paint both of them as “moderates”! Yeah right. Even the corrupt Dems
and media would have to do far too much rewriting, editing and censoring
of history to get away with that. Their record speaks for itself. They
are a pair of uber-leftists bent on obliterating the United States.
Heaven help America if they win office.
Friday, July 26, 2024
Activists Write ‘Hamas Is Coming’ On The Christopher Columbus Memorial
Fountain at Union Station, Tear Down & Burn American Flags. AND A MARXIST HYENA (AKA HARRIS) TAKES THE DEMOCRAT LEADER!
Anti-Israel activists vandalized Washington DC landmarks in protest
of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address before
Congress Wednesday, defacing them with pro-Hamas slogans and pulling
down the Stars and Stripes and replacing them with Palestinian flags.
Americans in 2024 just need to get comfortable with
the idea that civil war is about to break about in cities all across the
United States. It is borne of the Left from a hatred that, only a daily
basis, is nurtured and stoked in order to reach the soon-coming flash
point. Yesterday in our nation’s capitol, we watched in real-time horror
on social media as thousands of anti-America and anti-Israel domestic
terrorists from the radical Left wreaked havoc attacked police and
anyone deemed to be ‘pro-Zionist’. To prove their point, they burned
American flags. In case you haven’t noticed, America now has our very
own version of the Nazi brownshirts, and they are made up of the various
domestic hate groups like ANTIFA, the Occupy Movement and Black Lives
Matter burn down buildings, rape women, pillage businesses and shoot
people dead in the street. This new faction, we’ll call them the
pro-Palestinian Movement, is much worse than anything that took place on
January 6th. These people have the full support of the Biden administration, and should Kamala Harris be successful in her coup, these gangs will control the streets.
Saturday, July 6, 2024
Notes, July 5, 2024,,,
866-295-4143) - Did you know that the Roman Catholic Church has identified
herself with Revelation 17? “In 1825, Pope Leo XII struck a medal, bearing on
the one side his own image, and on the other, that of the Church of Rome
symbolized as a ‘Woman,’ holding in her left hand a cross, and in her right a
CUP, with the legend around her, ‘Sedet super universum,’ ‘The whole world is her
seat’” (Alexander Hislop, The Two Babylons). “And there came one of the
seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me,
Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth
upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed
fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the
wine of her fornication. So he carried me away in the spirit into the
wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names
of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed
in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls,
having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her
fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS
AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood
of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her,
I wondered with great admiration” (Revelation 17:1-6).
Saturday, June 29, 2024
Francis Says That ‘Climate Change Deniers Are Stupid’ As He Preaches The
Gospel Of Gaia And New Age Paganism To Bible Illiterate Catholics. The New Age Antichrist!
Imagine calling yourself the ‘Vicar of Christ’, a Roman
Catholic title which means whoever holds that position is the
personification of Jesus Christ on this Earth. Wow, how awesome that
must be. You might well imagine that someone called the Vicar of Christ
would be a veritable storehouse of Bible knowledge and scripture
references, just like the real Jesus is in the Bible. Yet somehow, Pope
Francis, the current Vicar of Christ, doesn’t seem to know any Bible at
all, and when he mentions things like the Holy Spirit, they are very
often in complete disharmony
with the biblical Holy Spirit. It’s like walking into McDonald’s and
walking out with an Impossible Burger, something just doesn’t add up.
Sunday, June 16, 2024
The omni-present, head of the WORLD "church" the false disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, leads and advises the leaders of the G7. The Pope, who claims to be "In place of Christ" and "another christ" sits in the midst of other wicked leaders, who would break the bands of the real KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. See Psalm 2.
Europeans are turning against Leftist Parties and Policies
Posted on
A big swing to the conservatives in Europe is a game changer:
Recent national elections and European Union elections have sent
shock waves down the spine of Europe’s leftist leaders and parties.
Conservative parties in a number of European countries have dominated
the leftist parties. From Ireland to France to Belgium to Germany, the
conservatives are clearly in the ascendency.
What is the reason for all this? The elections that were just held
over the weekend clearly and unambiguously show that a good majority of
Europeans are deeply concerned about the big two ‘Is’: immigration and
Islamisation. And these two go together like two sides of a coin.
Open border policies in which almost no questions have been asked
over the decades have meant that countless Muslims have moved into
Europe. If they all came because they affirm the values and beliefs of
the West, that would be one thing. But so many do not. FULL STORY :HERE