Wednesday, August 12, 2020

On Biden's V.P. Pick, 


Aug 13, 2020

Do not rely on the Main Stream Media to learn what Harris is really all about:

As you all should know by now, Joe Biden has picked California Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate. But there is plenty of stuff you would NOT know if you simply relied on the leftist mainstream media. If you go by what they have been saying, you would be led to believe that she is a moderate, that she is the first Black American woman to run as VP and so on.
Of course she is none of those things. While the 55-year-old has flip-flopped a lot over the years, she is now proud to be a hard left Democrat. She favours open borders; she is anti-police; wants to do away with private health insurance; she wants Medicare for all; she supports the Green New Deal; she wants free college tuition; and of course she is fiercely pro-abortion, to name but a few of her radical beliefs.
More on that in a moment. And it is odd to hear her being called an African American or a Black American when she is not quite either. Her mom is from India and her dad is from Jamaica. But hey, anything to help the cause of grievance politics and identity politics. Indeed, she is not descended from slaves, but from slave owners:

Given that leftists like her insist that people today are somehow guilty for the ‘sins’ of their great, great, great grandparents, and must make reparations, will she offer to do that on behalf of her forebears? Or will that also be something the MSM refuses to mention?
So why was she picked, when she did so poorly during the primaries, dropping out early? The truth is, the 77yo Biden is well past his use by date, and should be in a retirement home. We all know his mental abilities are getting worse by the day, and there is no way he can go the distance.THE REMAINDER IS HERE:

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