Not Even 24 Hours Later And Already CNN
Is Talking About How Cognitively Challenged Joe Biden Will ‘Step Aside’
To Make Kamala Harris President. (No doubt, Harris already has her "finger on Joe's pulse!")
CNN editor-at-large Chris Cilizza suggested Tuesday that former Vice
President Joe Biden would “step aside” to elevate his new running mate,
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), all but conceding that Biden will not finish
his presidential term, if elected. Joe Biden made the pick that
maximized his chances of continuing to make the race a straight
referendum on Trump while also selecting someone whose resume suggests
being ready to step in, if and when Biden decides to step aside.
Biden’s announcement of his running mate was also awkwardly worded
in a way that suggested Harris might be expected “to lead this nation
starting in January 2021”
Whilst surveying the
panoply of laughable and wildly unelectable candidates for the
Democratic nominee for president, someone deep within the DNC got an
idea, an ‘evil genius’ type of idea. Why not nominate Joe Biden, someone
so bad that he had to be kept hidden in his basement for fear of what
his next comment might be, give him a black woman as his VP, then as
soon as he is elected, have him step aside so she becomes America’s
first black woman president. Why would Joe Biden agree to any of that?
To make the
Ukraine and China scandals go away.
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