Sadly, many Christians seem indistinguishable from secular humanists:

(Excerpt from CULTURE WATCH.)



There is much more to being a Christian than simply claiming to be one. All sorts of folks think they are a Christian, or pretend to be a Christian, but they are nothing of the sort. We see this in various areas, but it is certainly found in radical leftists who like to add the adjective “Christian” to their latest campaigns and agenda items.
Progressive Christians are a case in point. They use God words but know little about the real God of the Bible. Instead they simply push all the usual left-wing agendas, disguising them in religious language. See more on this here:

 These folks are often Christian in name only. What they really tend to be are card-carrying secular humanists. As such, they will often more or less look like this:

They prefer the Guardian, the New York Times and the Age to the Bible.
They think in socialist and Marxist terms and concepts instead of biblical ones.
They see sin as class divisions instead of our own moral rebellion against God.
They see salvation as the overthrow of capitalism, whites, and the West.
They would rather read the Gospel According to Marx than the Gospel According to Mark.
They adore prophets like Bernie Sanders, Michael Moore, George Soros, and Greta Thunberg instead of Jeremiah or Isaiah.
They cherish heroes like Marx and Lenin, Che Guevara, Mao, and Malcolm X, while paying lip service to Jesus.
They are happy to use the Bible when it suits their purposes, but it is only theological liberalism, which matches their political liberalism.
See more on all this here: