Idol Worshipping Pope Francis Gives Three More Titles To The ‘Virgin Mary’, Of Course They Were Stolen From God Just Like The Name "Holy Father." There is ONE Holy Father, and it is NOT the Pope!
The new titles are “Mother of Mercy,” “Mother of Hope,” and “Comfort of
Migrants.” In letter dated June 20, Guinean Cardinal Robert Sarah,
prefect of the Vatican’s Congregation for Divine Worship and the
Discipline of the Sacraments, announced the titles would be added to the
Litany of Mary, called the “Litany of Loreto,” which is usually recited
during the rosary or on major Catholic feasts. Addressed to the
presidents of all bishops’ conferences worldwide, the letter said the
move comes at the express wish of Pope Francis.
Most of these titles are Names and Attributes of the God of the BIBLE!.
Rome has many other titles for this "Mary" including: ADVOCATE; co-REDEMPTRIX; THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, MEDIATRIX (or Co-Mediator) among many.
Pope Francis has given the Virgin Mary three new titles, the Vatican announced Saturday, which will be added to the Catholic Church’s traditional ‘Litany of Loreto’ including one that reflects a signature preoccupation of this pope.
First let me say that the Roman Catholic ‘virgin Mary’ is not the humble and obedient Mary from the Bible, not at all! The Roman Catholic ‘Mary’ is a ‘Queen of Heaven’ superwoman who is literally Divine, and appears to have taken over much of the workload from her Only Begotten Son, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. According to the Litany of Loreto, the Roman Catholic "Mary" is MOST RENOWNED; THE COUNSELOR; CAUSE OF ALL JOY; WITHOUT SIN; QUEEN OF PEACE and THE COMFORTER. Now the Jesuit Pope has added three more titles:-MOTHER OF MERCY; MOTHER OF HOPE and COMFORT OF IMMIGRANTS.
Most of these titles are Names and Attributes of the God of the BIBLE!.
Rome has many other titles for this "Mary" including: ADVOCATE; co-REDEMPTRIX; THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, MEDIATRIX (or Co-Mediator) among many.
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