Is the Papacy, a direct line from
The Apostle Peter?
Was Peter the first Pope?
Have you ever wondered what was the origin of the title of Pope, the head of the Roman Catholic Church? While some might THINK the title came from the pages of the Bible, it did not!
The origin of the title of Pope for the head of the Catholic Church is
much older than even the first century church, which had no "pope." The Apostle Peter was also a married man!
Mark 1:30-34
30 But Simon's (Peter) wife's mother lay sick of a fever, and anon they tell him of her.
31 And he came and took her by the hand, and lifted her up; and immediately the fever left her, and she ministered unto them.
In ancient Rome, the term PONTIFEX MAXIMUS was used well before 254 B.C. for the highest position within the Roman Republic's Pagan Religion. Over the years the position became highly politicized until, beginning with the reign of Emperor Augustus (27 B.C. to 14 A.D.), it became one of the many Imperial titles.
Charles Spurgeon (1834 - 1892)
"It is the bounden duty of every Christian to pray against
Antichrist, and as to what Antichrist is no sane man ought to raise a
question. If it be not the popery in the Church of Rome there
is nothing in the world that can be called by that name. If there were
to be
issued a hue and cry for Antichrist, we should certainly take
up this church on suspicion, and it would certainly not be let loose
again, for
it so exactly answers the description."
(Michael de Semlyen, All Roads Lead to Rome)
Further Quotes from Vatican Documents show the Papacy's belief in Papal Infallibility:
He [the Pope] can pronounce sentences and judgments in contradiction to the rights of nations, to the law of God and man...He can free himself from the commands of the apostles, he being their superior, and from the rules of the Old Testament...The Pope has power to change times, to abrogate laws, and to dispense with all things, even the precepts of Christ.v
In 1512 Christopher Marcellus said this to Pope Julius II: Take care that we lose not that salvation, that life and breath which thou hast given us, for thou art our shepherd, thou art our physician, thou art our governor, thou art our husbandman,thou art finally another God on earth (emphasis added).vi
The Gloss of Extravagantes of Pope John XXII says this: To believe that our Lord God the Pope has not the power to decree as he is decreed, is to be deemed heretical (emphasis added).vii And speaking about the same document, Father A. Pereira said this: It is quite certain that Popes have never disapproved or rejected this title "Lord God the Pope" for the passage in the gloss referred to appears in the edition of the Canon Law published in Rome by Gregory XIII.viii
For the Pope holdeth place on earth, not simply of a man but of the true God....dissolves, not by human but rather by divine authority....I am in all and above all, so that God Himself and I, the vicar of God, hath both one consistory, and I am able to do almost all that God can do...wherefore, if those things that I do be said not to be done of man, but of God, what do you make of me but God?
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