Saturday, January 9, 2016

Achtung Angela! Germany Wakes Too Late In Realizing They Let The Wolf In

Waving German flags and signs meaning 'Rapefugees not welcome', 'Germany survived war, plague and cholera, but Merkel?', hundreds of Pegida supporters shouted 'Merkel raus' (Merkel out).

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has backed a toughening of expulsion rules for convicted refugees as protesters took to the streets against sexual attacks by gangs of migrants.

The inmates are running the asylum. Germany is a funny place right now. First, Angela Merkel approves the importing of nearly 800,000 Muslim migrants, the majority of whom are at the very least welfare-seeking sponges, or at the worst jihadi terrorists pretending to be Syrian war refugees. So ok, Merkel lets these people in and immediately Germany is hit with hundreds and hundreds of sexual attacks against women, attacks against men, and a trail of litter and refuse a mile wide. Groups like Pegida that have sprung up to do what their own country refuses to do are castigated and marginalized as if they were the criminals! 

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