"Deliver me from bloodguiltiness O God..." Ps. 51:14
The latest undercover Planned Parenthood video is an interview with
Cate Dyer, CEO of an organization called StemExpress that buys aborted
baby body parts from Planned Parenthood and sells them to researchers.
There are no graphic images in the video, but Dyer’s comments about
shipping the severed intact “calvarium” or skull of an aborted baby are
StemExpress: I know we get requests for neural [tissue]. It’s the hardest thing in the world to ship.
Buyer: You do it as the whole calvarium.
StemExpress: That’s it, yeah, that’s the easiest way. And I mean we’ve actually had good success with that in the past.
Buyer: Yeah, Make sure the eyes are closed!
StemExpress: [Loud Laughter] Tell the
lab it’s coming. So they don’t open the box and go, “Oh God!” [Laughter]
So yeah, whereas so many of the academic labs cannot fly like that.
They’re just not capable.
Buyer: Why is that? I don’t understand that.
StemExpress: It’s almost like they don’t want to
know where it comes from. I can see that. Where they’re like, “We need
limbs, but no hands and feet need to be attached.” […] They want you to
take it all off, like, “Make it so that we don’t know what it is.”
Buyer: Yeah. Bone the chicken for me and then I’ll eat it.
StemExpress: That’s it. But we know what it is [Laughter]. […] Their lab techs freak out, and have meltdowns, and so it’s just like, yeah.
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