Saturday, December 9, 2023

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Pope Victor Hall 1 and Medieval Roman Catholic teachings:

Post by Faith Hopegood »

If you want an example of how close the Christian Fellowship teachings are to medieval catholic theology, consider the following:

Does Pope Victor teach there is Salvation by Faith alone? Or does he teach another gospel?
He teaches another gospel, because, as we all know, Pope Vic the First and his other bishops, preach and teach: “for you to have salvation you must have absolute and unswaying obedience of the messenger (the pope) and also absolute belief in the Present Word (papal infallibility)”. If you doubt any of these things or question any teachings or disagree with any word that proceeds from the mouth of an elder or delegated minion, then you will be told that you are in rebellion to God and thus your salvation is in danger.

Pope Vic teaches you must do actions (which are works) in order to achieve salvation as designated by him. He does because he is not really interested in your salvation, he is interested in CONTROL. Vic loses control over his congregation if they find out they are set free in Christ and don’t have to jump through any more hoops for salvation. These hoops are put in place by Vic and his minions.

Consider this, how is Vic’s teaching any different from the Catholics selling indulgences?
There is always an expectation that you will be unswervingly obedient to Vic and his minions. You will always contribute $$ to the latest building designated papal building program. If you don’t contribute enough or at all, you will be hauled over the coals and you will be counselled and told your salvation is again in doubt because you were not obedient to the messenger/present word. There is always another hurdle to jump, another working bee to attend, another Regional Building Study to attend, and you never have any reassurance of salvation under Vic’s lash because your salvation in BCF is dependent upon continued good works. BCF theology is not because of Sola Scriptura, it is essential medieval roman catholic doctrine depending upon the combination of tradition handed down, endless turgid pamphlets, mixed with a little bit of shoe horned scripture and latest pronouncements of Vic. When he exhausts one area of turgidity, he moves on to another. The only things missing are the veneration of Mary, purgatory, and the belief that the communion elements actually become body and blood of Christ again. (although some would say living under Vic's rule is purgatory on earth!


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