Saturday, February 11, 2023


by Shaun Willcock.


 We always knew that Francis, the Jesuit pope, did not like Benedict XVI, the so-called pope emeritus, despite all those photo ops which showed the two men embracing and smiling and acting like big buddies. Benedict was a traditionalist when it came to Roman Catholic doctrine, and Francis is a liberal. And the coup against Benedict in 2013 (for that is what it was) was a Jesuit maneouvre so that one of their own could become pope of Rome, and turn the Roman Catholic institution on its head. But one would have thought that when Benedict died in December, Francis – now free of him entirely – would at least go through the motions of following Vatican protocol and procedure when a pope dies, and use the opportunity to tell the world what a great guy Benedict was, etc. Not a bit of it. Francis took the opportunity of the papal funeral to give vent to his dislike of and opposition to the old pope, in ways which brought into sharp focus the true nature of the man. Francis the Jesuit is not only wily, cunning, and deceitful, but also vindictive, petty, and downright nasty. Behind his smiling, grandfatherly demeanour there is an iron ruthlessness towards his enemies. FULL ARTICLE HERE:

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