RE: JOE BIDEN...A Patriot writes:
Post by Faith Hopegood »
If you want an example of how close the
Christian Fellowship teachings are to medieval catholic theology,
consider the following:
Does Pope Victor teach there is Salvation by Faith alone? Or does he teach another gospel?
He teaches another gospel, because, as we all know, Pope Vic the First
and his other bishops, preach and teach: “for you to have salvation you
must have absolute and unswaying obedience of the messenger (the pope)
and also absolute belief in the Present Word (papal infallibility)”. If
you doubt any of these things or question any teachings or disagree with
any word that proceeds from the mouth of an elder or delegated minion,
then you will be told that you are in rebellion to God and thus your
salvation is in danger.
Pope Vic teaches you must do actions (which are works) in order to
achieve salvation as designated by him. He does because he is not
really interested in your salvation, he is interested in CONTROL. Vic
loses control over his congregation if they find out they are set free
in Christ and don’t have to jump through any more hoops for salvation.
These hoops are put in place by Vic and his minions.
Consider this, how is Vic’s teaching any different from the Catholics selling indulgences?
There is always an expectation that you will be unswervingly obedient to
Vic and his minions. You will always contribute $$ to the latest
building designated papal building program. If you don’t contribute
enough or at all, you will be hauled over the coals and you will be
counselled and told your salvation is again in doubt because you were
not obedient to the messenger/present word. There is always another
hurdle to jump, another working bee to attend, another Regional Building
Study to attend, and you never have any reassurance of salvation under
Vic’s lash because your salvation in BCF is dependent upon continued
good works. BCF theology is not because of Sola Scriptura, it is
essential medieval roman catholic doctrine depending upon the
combination of tradition handed down, endless turgid pamphlets, mixed
with a little bit of shoe horned scripture and latest pronouncements of
Vic. When he exhausts one area of turgidity, he moves on to another. The
only things missing are the veneration of Mary, purgatory, and the
belief that the communion elements actually become body and blood of
Christ again. (although some would say living under Vic's rule is
purgatory on earth!
By this point, it is obvious that the Roman Catholic Church, started by the Caesars during the time of the closing days of the Roman Empire, is taking a page from the book of Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, better known as Caligula, and transitioning into being LGBTQ+ affirming under the leadership of Pope Francis. US Cardinal Raymond Burke just found out the hard way that going against the pope’s affirming mandates comes at a cost.
Burke has not received any notification of measures being taken, his secretary said in a text message Tuesday to The Associated Press.
Burke, a 75-year-old canon lawyer whom Francis had fired as the Vatican’s high court justice in 2014, has become one of the most outspoken critics of the pope, his outreach to LGBTQ+ Catholics and his reform project to make the church more responsive to the needs of ordinary faithful. Twice, Burke has joined other conservative cardinals in issuing formal questions to the pontiff, known as ‘dubia,’ asking him to clarify questions of doctrine that upset conservatives and traditionalists.
In the first, they asked Francis to clarify his outreach to divorced and civilly remarried Catholics, and Francis never replied. In the second, they asked whether same-sex couples could receive church blessings – and received a conditional maybe in response.
Then, on the eve of Francis´ big meeting of bishops last month, known as a synod, Burke presided over a counter-synod of sorts just steps away from St. Peter´s Square. There, Burke delivered a stinging rebuke of Francis´ vision of ‘synodality’ as well as his overall reform project for the church.
This Blog, sends our heartfelt condolences to loved and respected Police Commissioner, Grant Stevens and his wife and family, following the tragic death of their 18 year old son, Charles. Charles was the 101st death on South Australia's roads this year (thus far.)
The Commissioner wrote this emotional letter in his son's bedroom, to and about his son. The copy of the letter is here:
The Roman Catholic Church, started by the Roman Empire on or around 325 AD, has for the past 1,700 years claimed to be the only ‘authorized representative of Jesus Christ’ on this Earth. A mighty big claim to say the least. But leaving that aside for just a moment, you will take note of the fact that just about everything they stand for goes against what is revealed to us in the pages of the Holy Bible. Such is the case with the latest edict of Pope Francis as he continues to create his affirming church. If Jesus were walking the Earth in His earthly ministry today, He absolutely would minister to the LGBTQ+ people including the transgender and the transsexuals. He would tell them that their sin, like all sin, needs to be repented of, and He would invite them to trust in Him as their Saviour. But He wouldn’t for one second confirm anyone in the sins of the LGBTQ+ Movement, He would compare what they were doing to Sodom and Gomorrah who were destroyed for doing such things. The Roman Catholic Church is a lot of things, but being the church started by Jesus Church is not something they can claim.
The Incredible Lightness of Barack Obama Joe Biden is caught in a quadfecta of corruption, cognitive decline, a failed agenda, and eroding polls. Amid this apparent vacuum, an opportunistic Barack Obama — who used to be more discreet in managing his third term—is reentering the arena. Last week, he came out as the overseer of the Biden administration’s AI agenda, even as his foundation’s “Democracy Forum” was warning Americans about the need for “inclusive capitalism” and the pathologies of “material consumption”—all this from a multi-mansioned multimillionaire. Now, Obama is weighing in on the Gaza war by undercutting his third-term presidential proxy. Yet just as he seems somewhat clueless about the contradictions of an erstwhile “community organizer” turned into a hyper-capitalist, consumption-addicted elite, so too Obama has little self-awareness about how much of Biden’s unpopularity derives from his continuation of Obama’s own agendas on the economy, border, crime, race, foreign policy, and energy. His apparent obliviousness continues with his most recent odd assertion that, “The occupation and what’s happening to Palestinians is [sic] unbearable.” But Obama surely concedes that Gaza has been autonomous and free of Israelis since 2005, and governed by a “one man, one vote, once” Hamas clique since January 2006. Obama added that, “If you want to solve the problem, then you have to take in the whole truth, and you then have to admit nobody’s hands are clean – that all of us are complicit to some degree.” In truth, Obama’s blanket accusation is absurd. Over the last 17 years, an autonomous Hamas has managed to create both a hierarchy of billionaires ensconced in luxury Qatari hotels, and the most sophisticated subterranean tunnel city in the world—but little else except corruption, poverty, and violence for all concerned. Obama again seemed unaware of his own confession when he lectured, “nobody’s hands are clean” and “all of us are complicit”. Not quite, Barack. Those most culpable for the current catastrophe are Obama and his team, who invited in Robert Malley to be their point man on Hamas; cooked up the “Shiite crescent” misadventure; snubbed the grass-roots Green Movement that sought to overthrow the Iranian theocracy; invited the Russians back into the Middle East after a 40-year hiatus; fled Iraq and fueled the ISIS caliphate; lifted sanctions on Iran, giving it a multibillion-dollar war chest that armed to the teeth Hezbollah and Hamas; estranged the U.S. from Israel; and created the media echo chamber that empowered the disastrous Iran Deal. The rest was history.
Luther recaptured the Biblical view of the priesthood
of all believers, showing all that their work had purpose and dignity,
because in it they can serve their Creator.
On October 31, much of the culture will be focused on candy and things that go bump in the night. Protestants, however, have something far more significant to celebrate on October 31. It’s Reformation day, which commemorates what was perhaps the greatest move of God’s Spirit since the days of the Apostles. But what is the significance of Reformation Day, and how should we consider the events it commemorates?
At the time, few would have suspected that the sound of a hammer striking the castle church door in Wittenberg, Germany, would soon be heard around the world and lead ultimately to the greatest transformation of Western society since the apostles first preached the Gospel throughout the Roman empire. Martin Luther’s nailing of his Ninety-Five Theses to the church door on October 31, 1517, provoked a debate that culminated finally in what we now call the Protestant Reformation.
This last issue is probably Luther’s most significant contribution to
Christian theology. Though preached clearly in the New Testament and
found in the writings of many of the church fathers, the medieval
bishops and priests had largely forgotten the truth that our own good
works can by no means merit God’s favor. Salvation is by grace alone
through faith alone, and good works result from our faith, they are not
added to it as the grounds for our right standing in the Lord’s eyes (Eph. 2:8-10).
Justification, God’s declaration that we are not guilty, forgiven of
sin, and righteous in His sight comes because through our faith alone
the Father imputes, or reckons to our account, the perfect righteousness
of Christ (2 Cor. 5:21). (Excerpt)
Matthew 2:18.
So much for ''NEVER AGAIN!"
The "enlightened West" tolerates (and sanctions,) by allowing the New Nazi Barbarian/ISLAMIST TERRORIST SYMPATHIZERS, to hold PROTEST GATHERINGS IN OUR CITIES, to Celebrate the slaughtering of innocents. Babies and Children, snatched from their parents and brutally murdered.