Thursday, December 29, 2022


Yesterday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky appeared before a joint session of Congress to plead for more billions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer money to help Ukraine in its war with Russia. 

One particular sentence in Zelensky’s address caught my attention: “We Ukrainians will also go through our war of independence and freedom with dignity and success.” The sentence prompted an enormous applause from the members of Congress.

There is one big problem with Zelensky’s statement, however. The war between Ukraine and Russia has nothing to do with freedom. Instead, it has everything to do with NATO, the old Cold War dinosaur that ginned up the crisis that led to this highly deadly and destructive war.

Operating through NATO, the Pentagon was insistent on incorporating Ukraine into NATO. Zelensky too wanted Ukraine to join NATO. For at least the last 25 years, Russia has made it clear that Ukraine’s joining NATO was a “red line” for Russia. The last thing Russia wanted was Pentagon bases and nuclear missiles installed on Russia’s border, just as the last thing that the Pentagon would want is Russian bases and nuclear missiles stationed in Cuba. Russia consistently made it clear that if Ukraine crossed that “red line,” Russia would invade Ukraine to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO. READ ON HERE:


The U.S. Congress Gave Standing Ovations To A Nazi Thug. By Chuck Baldwin 
December 29, 2022

The corrupt, genocidal Nazi leader of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, was recently given several standing ovations by members of Congress at the U.S. Capitol. House leaders even set aside the rules requiring appropriate attire for admittance to “The People’s House” and let the little tyrant wear his Naziesque combat fatigues when addressing our representatives.

Of course, Zelensky was in town demanding that the U.S. provide billions more dollars for his stupid—and hopeless—war with Russia. This was a war that Zelensky could have easily avoided but instead deliberately chose to incite.

A few days after his embarrassing visit to the U.S. House of Representatives, Congress obliged the little dictator with 45 billion additional taxpayer dollars for Ukraine, which brings the ongoing total to $100 billion that U.S. taxpayers have donated to the world’s most corrupt government. THE REMAINDER IS HERE:


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