Friday, September 17, 2021


This Is How Freedom and Democracy Come To an End.

It is high time we wake up to what is happening:

 Under the guise of ‘keeping us safe’ we have seen politicians, leaders, health bureaucrats and most of the media push the most shocking assault on basic liberties, human rights, and the democratic process that has been witnessed in peacetime.The erosion of freedom and the attack on what a liberal democracy is all about has been shocking to behold. Thankfully many people here and overseas have realised just how dangerous and totalitarian all this has become, and they are speaking out and fighting back.

 I refer to Tucker Carlson. A very recent commentary of his is utterly superb and I cannot recommend it highly enough. And the good news is, if you like reading, the link just below has the full transcript. But if you prefer watching and listening, the video of course is there as well. The 16-minute video is here: 


Please have a watch and share far and wide. Carlson has a real gift of encapsulating in a short amount of time the real issues and the real problems we are facing. What follows are large slabs of his discussion. He begins this way:

The COVID vaccines aren’t like other vaccines that you might be familiar with, so here are some things that we know about them. Unlike, say, the smallpox vaccine, which prevents you from getting smallpox, the COVID vaccines do not necessarily prevent you from getting COVID. The COVID vaccine does not prevent you from spreading COVID to other people. The long-term effects of the COVID vaccines are unknown, and at this point cannot be known. We do know the vaccines are many times less effective than natural immunity in protecting people, and close to 100 million Americans already have natural immunity. We know that in some cases, the COVID vaccines cause potentially fatal heart problems in the people who take them.

 One new study shows that teenaged boys are six times more likely to suffer cardiac damage from the shot than they are to be hospitalized with COVID itself. So it’s a mixed picture. That’s some of what we know about the COVID vaccines. And yet, these very same vaccines — which are far less effective than we were told they were initially, potentially dangerous for some, and completely unnecessary for tens of millions of others — are now, nevertheless, mandatory for virtually everyone in America. So why is that? Why exactly is that the policy? In his speech to the country last week, Joe Biden didn’t bother to explain why. Explanations are not necessary at this point. Your consent is no longer required. FULL ARTICLE HERE: (But DON'T MISS TUCKER CARLSON LINK!)


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