Sunday, September 26, 2021

A Review of American Marxism. By Mark Levin.

Threshold Editions, 2021.

Mark Levin’s new book is a must read:

 In America, many Marxists cloak themselves in phrases like “progressives,” “Democratic Socialists,” “social activists,” “community activists,” etc., as most Americans remain openly hostile to the name Marxism. They operate under myriad newly minted organizational or identifying nomenclatures, such as “Black Lives Matter” (BLM), “Antifa,” “The Squad,” etc. And they claim to promote “economic justice,” “environmental justice,” “racial equity,” “gender equity,” etc. They have invented new theories, like Critical Race Theory, and phrases and terminologies, linked to or fit into a Marxist construct.

 What then is the appeal of Marxism? American Marxism has adapted the language and allure of utopianism, which I wrote about at length in my book Ameritopia. It is “tyranny disguised as a desirable, workable, and even paradisiacal governing ideology. There are…unlimited utopian constructs, for the mind is capable of infinite fantasies. But there are common themes. The fantasies take the form of grand social plans or experiments, the impracticability and impossibility of which, in small ways and large, lead to the individual’s subjugation. 


 Image of American Marxism



Friday, September 17, 2021


This Is How Freedom and Democracy Come To an End.

It is high time we wake up to what is happening:

 Under the guise of ‘keeping us safe’ we have seen politicians, leaders, health bureaucrats and most of the media push the most shocking assault on basic liberties, human rights, and the democratic process that has been witnessed in peacetime.The erosion of freedom and the attack on what a liberal democracy is all about has been shocking to behold. Thankfully many people here and overseas have realised just how dangerous and totalitarian all this has become, and they are speaking out and fighting back.

 I refer to Tucker Carlson. A very recent commentary of his is utterly superb and I cannot recommend it highly enough. And the good news is, if you like reading, the link just below has the full transcript. But if you prefer watching and listening, the video of course is there as well. The 16-minute video is here: 


Please have a watch and share far and wide. Carlson has a real gift of encapsulating in a short amount of time the real issues and the real problems we are facing. What follows are large slabs of his discussion. He begins this way:

The COVID vaccines aren’t like other vaccines that you might be familiar with, so here are some things that we know about them. Unlike, say, the smallpox vaccine, which prevents you from getting smallpox, the COVID vaccines do not necessarily prevent you from getting COVID. The COVID vaccine does not prevent you from spreading COVID to other people. The long-term effects of the COVID vaccines are unknown, and at this point cannot be known. We do know the vaccines are many times less effective than natural immunity in protecting people, and close to 100 million Americans already have natural immunity. We know that in some cases, the COVID vaccines cause potentially fatal heart problems in the people who take them.

 One new study shows that teenaged boys are six times more likely to suffer cardiac damage from the shot than they are to be hospitalized with COVID itself. So it’s a mixed picture. That’s some of what we know about the COVID vaccines. And yet, these very same vaccines — which are far less effective than we were told they were initially, potentially dangerous for some, and completely unnecessary for tens of millions of others — are now, nevertheless, mandatory for virtually everyone in America. So why is that? Why exactly is that the policy? In his speech to the country last week, Joe Biden didn’t bother to explain why. Explanations are not necessary at this point. Your consent is no longer required. FULL ARTICLE HERE: (But DON'T MISS TUCKER CARLSON LINK!)


Friday, September 10, 2021


Have you ever "wondered" as a Christian, regarding the legion of Churches, with curious names and strange quotes? 

Chances are they are hiding the fact, that they are of the CHARISMATIC KIND!

BEWARE! I recall a quote from an old pastor, regarding the CHARISMATIC MOVEMENT:  

 Seminar on Pentecostalism

"A spirit began to emerge on the world scene towards the beginning of this (20th) century. The outstanding features were supposedly "messages from the Lord", miracles, tongues plus an experience called "slain in the spirit". At that time it was only a dim and obscure spot on the horizon. Those puzzling days of uncertainty are gone. The Pentecostal Movement has fully emerged from the shadows of early dawn and now stands exposed in the glaring light of today's TV programs, publications; unmasked for those who wish to see." ''Its mutations are legion, but its species is one."

Traduction libre RFB :

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Freedom Of Information Act Reveals Anthony Fauci Is Lying About Funding Wuhan Institute of Virology For Gain Of Function COVID-19 Research. 


“The documents make it clear that assertions by the NIH Director, Francis Collins, and the NIAID Director, Anthony Fauci, that the NIH did not support gain-of-function research or potential pandemic pathogen enhancement at WIV are untruthful,” he wrote. The bat coronavirus grant provided the EcoHealth Alliance with a total of $3.1 million, including $599,000 that the Wuhan Institute of Virology used in part to identify and alter bat coronaviruses likely to infect humans. Even before the pandemic, many scientists were concerned about the potential dangers associated with such experiments.

Top Scientist Claims Anthony Fauci ‘Untruthful’ About Chinese Lab Research

FROM BREITBART NEWS: Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the chief medical advisor to Democrat President Joe Biden, has previously denied the National Institute of Health [NIH] has ever funded such research.

The Intercept reported 900 new pages of previously undisclosed information from the NIH, which The Intercept obtained through a a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, that the EcoHealth Alliance used federal grant money to fund dangerous bat coronavirus research in the Chinese labs. The Intercept reported:

The bat coronavirus grant provided the EcoHealth Alliance with a total of $3.1 million, including $599,000 that the Wuhan Institute of Virology used in part to identify and alter bat coronaviruses likely to infect humans. Even before the pandemic, many scientists were concerned about the potential dangers associated with such experiments.

The grant proposal acknowledges some of those dangers: “Fieldwork involves the highest risk of exposure to SARS or other CoVs, while working in caves with high bat density overhead and the potential for fecal dust to be inhaled.”

Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University, reviewed the material and told The Intercept the “viruses they constructed were tested for their ability to infect mice that were engineered to display human type receptors on their cell.”

Ebright concluded by accusing Fauci and NIH Director, Francis Collins, of being “untruthful” in their previous remarks on the matter.

“The documents make it clear that assertions by the NIH Director, Francis Collins, and the NIAID Director, Anthony Fauci, that the NIH did not support gain-of-function research or potential pandemic pathogen enhancement at WIV are untruthful,” he wrote.


Tuesday, September 7, 2021



The Covid Untouchables

You WILL be made “safe” – or else!

The West, once known as the “free world,” is becoming less free by the day, and the line between a liberal democracy and a totalitarian state is being blurred each passing week. And much of this is happening as our political elites pretend they are just trying to “keep us safe” from the Rona.

Various health mandates – many of which lack any sound scientific or medical backing – are bringing in a new tyranny, and mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports are leading the way in this. Indeed, as I have often documented, Australia is already well underway to becoming a two-tiered society, with a new group of untouchables being denied basic human rights and liberties.

Consider what our leaders are now dreaming up to punish the recalcitrants who dare to differ on these health mandates. Victoria once again is leading the way here with Dictator Dan Andrews making clear his intentions. He has just come out telling us that anyone who dares to have any hesitancy about the vaccines will NOT be a part of the Victorian economy:

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has sent a clear message as to what the future of the economy looks like in the state, saying proof of double vaccination will now be the price of entry. “There is going to be a vaccinated economy, and you get to participate in that if you are vaccinated,” Mr Andrews said. “We’re going to move to a situation where, to protect the health system, we are going to lock out people who are not vaccinated and can be,” Mr Andrews said.



Friday, September 3, 2021


Which Catholic Pope Do Catholics Believe?


Roman Catholics are faced with a serious dilemma. Since they have been indoctrinated to believe that their popes are infallible, they must obey their infallible teachings. "The Roman Pontiff... enjoys this infallibility... when, as supreme pastor and teacher of all the faithful...he proclaims a definitive act or doctrine pertaining to faith or morals. The definitions 'must be adhered to with the obedience of faith'" (Catechism of the Catholic Church, para. 891). Catholics believe that the Apostle Peter was their first pope but they do not believe his definitive doctrines. Instead they choose to believe and obey the heretical teachings of Pope Francis. This should be a serious dilemma for all thinking Catholics. How can two "infallible" popes contradict each other with their infallible teachings, and how can Catholics adhere to two sets of conflicting doctrines? Consider the following examples that contrast the teachings of the Apostle Peter with Pope Francis:


·        Peter was an elder who submitted to Jesus as the head of the Church (1 Pet. 5:1; Col. 1:18). He taught that Jesus was the Shepherd and Guardian of souls (1 Pet. 2:25).

·        Francis believes he is the Vicar of Christ and the head of the Church, with supreme and universal power which he exercises unhindered (CCC 882).


·        Peter taught we are born again through the living, abiding Word of God (1 Pet. 1:23).

·        Francis teaches we are reborn through the ritual of baptism (CCC 1213).


·        Peter taught salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ alone (Acts 4:12).

·        Francis teaches salvation can be attained apart from Jesus Christ (CCC 841).


·        Peter taught a believer's eternal salvation and inheritance is secured by the power of almighty God (1 Pet. 1:3-5).

·        Francis teaches salvation is conditional because it is attained by merit and can be lost by mortal sin (CCC 20271035).


·        Peter knew Jesus was the rock (1 Pet. 2:7-8).

·        Francis believes Peter was the rock (CCC 552).


·        Peter warned of false teachers who would come into the church to teach heresies and malign the way of truth (2 Pet. 2:1-2).

·        Francis is a false teacher and under divine curse for adding requirements to the Gospel and naming Mary as an intercessor and mediatrix of salvation (Gal. 1:6-9; CCC 9691129).


·        Peter refused adoration from men (Acts 10:26).

·        Francis welcomes the adoration of men.


We must warn Catholics that Peter was not the first pope and that he was not infallible. Paul had to correct him for not being “straightforward about the truth of the gospel” (Gal. 2:11-14). However, the Word of God that Peter penned under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit is infallible and authoritative. Scripture never teaches that Peter had authority over the other Apostles, and there is no mention of the papacy anywhere in Scripture. The Lord Jesus, who purchased the church with His own blood, is the one and only head of the church (Col. 1:18; Acts 20:28). We must also warn Catholics not to trust in princes, in mortal man, in whom there is no salvation (Ps. 146:3). It is our prayer that Catholics will test every man's teaching with the inerrant, inspired, authoritative Word of God and reject any teaching that opposes it (Acts 17:11).