Friday, December 11, 2020


 Opus Dei. Świadectwo

**The Following Articles are Excerpts, but the full Articles are in links!

Opus Dei: the crusading cult inside the Vatican

Robert Hutchison Source: The Guardian
The sect that wants to run the Catholic Church - and governments

Religion and politics have always been dangerous bedfellows. Christian fundamentalists have brought a backward looking, anti-scientific movement into US politics. The rise of militant Islamic parties has reintroduced theocratic notions that were thought to have died with the Dark Ages. But there is another, less publicised movement that has been quietly pushing at the doors of power on five continents.

Once inducted, they must submit to what is known as the "formative norms" - a manner of mind conditioning. These include reporting weekly to a "director" who has a right of regard over all their activities, personal and professional.

Celibate oblates must regularly wear a cilis - a spiked thigh chain used by religious communities in the Middle Ages - and practice self-flagellation. On the secular front, Opus Dei is well represented throughout Latin America, where it has penetrated all levels of government, the military, and the business and financial establishments. 

OPUS DEI'S AMERICAN INFLUENCE  blossomed during the Reagan administration. The prelature placed its agents inside the White House and recruited among the middle ranks of the Pentagon. Under Clinton, the situation is more ambiguous, with the exception of the FBI, whose director, Louis Freeh, is said to be a supernumerary (non-celibate) member. LINK TO FULL ARTICLE HERE:


ODAN – How Opus Dei is Cult-like

Testimonies and Other Writings

The following is the work of the individual author and does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Opus Dei Awareness Network, Inc.

 The examples cited in the right-hand column are based on the personal experiences of Sharon Clasen, who was a supernumerary for three years and a numerary for two years.  She experienced the following while living at Brimfield, the Center of Studies for numerary women in the United States. (All numeraries typically live in the Center of Studies for two years for intense study of the “spirit of Opus Dei.” There are separate Centers of Studies for numerary men.)  Also included are some writings of the Founder of Opus Dei (taken from The Way by Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer) as well as the testimonies from other former members.


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