Sunday, November 8, 2020


(Excerpt from 


Reflections on the Current US Crisis

The issue is not how many votes went for either candidate. The issue is how many LEGAL votes went to each. If we run with the latter then there is a very good case to be made that Biden has NOT won the election. As mentioned, the courts must now seek to determine all this. We await their decisions.

Since when does the media get to decide who is POTUS? Who gave them such powers? How did they become the arbiters of who is officially determined to be the clear and certain winner? Where do we find that in the US Constitution?

You do realise don’t you that if Trump had been declared the winner, we would have dozens of (Democrat) cities going up in flames right now, complete with rioting, looting and blood-shedding. I am still waiting to see all the conservatives and Republicans doing anything remotely close to this. Indeed, we have at least 70 million ticked-off Trump voters, but not one violent protest.

Oh, so COVID is all over then? Hmm, just as we predicted. Leftists have been packing the streets in crowded pro-Biden celebration demonstrations. Yet we were told that all the mass Trump rallies were super spreaders of the virus! Um, hypocrisy much? Double standards much?

The issue is not how many votes went for either candidate. The issue is how many LEGAL votes went to each. If we run with the latter then there is a very good case to be made that Biden has NOT won the election. As mentioned, the courts must now seek to determine all this. We await their decisions.

Since when does the media get to decide who is POTUS? Who gave them such powers? How did they become the arbiters of who is officially determined to be the clear and certain winner? Where do we find that in the US Constitution?

You do realise don’t you that if Trump had been declared the winner, we would have dozens of (Democrat) cities going up in flames right now, complete with rioting, looting and blood-shedding. I am still waiting to see all the conservatives and Republicans doing anything remotely close to this. Indeed, we have at least 70 million ticked-off Trump voters, but not one violent protest.

Oh, so COVID is all over then? Hmm, just as we predicted. Leftists have been packing the streets in crowded pro-Biden celebration demonstrations. Yet we were told that all the mass Trump rallies were super spreaders of the virus! Um, hypocrisy much? Double standards much?

Spiritual reflections

In the space of a few short weeks:
-a radical pro-death leftist government is re-elected in NZ
-a radical pro-death leftist government is re-elected in the ACT
-a radical pro-death leftist government is re-elected in Qld
-a radical pro-death leftist government is (seemingly) elected in the US
Yet so many “Christians” are applauding all this. Clearly a very dark cloud of diabolical deception is descending upon the West. The crackdown and persecution of biblical Christians will continue to get worse. But such deception may be part of how God is separating the wheat from the chaff, the sheep from the goats. He always has his faithful remnant who will not bow the knee to false gods. And one day all evil empires will be no more.

As always, when evil triumphs, one of the hardest things to stomach is all the gloating and insolence of arrogant lefties as they spew their hate on us and rejoice in our apparent downfall. But Scripture speaks often to this, and God assures us that their day of reckoning will come. So hang in there saints.

Sadly I am finding too many “Christians” celebrating the supposed Biden win, telling us what a wonderful Christian gentleman he is and how America will now be a nation filled with sweetness and light, etc. Good grief – tell ‘em they’re dreaming! Moreover, I am beginning to understand how biblical and discerning Christians felt in Germany in the 30s when the nation descended into Nazi darkness, and many “Christians” around them cheered it all on. Diabolical deception abounds today just as it did back then.





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