This Is How Democracy Dies
Sep 2, 2020
Victoria has yet again been subject to another grievous assault by dictatorial thugs:
At 2 in the morning a handful of politicians applauded the passing of a bill to give an authoritarian ruler even more draconian powers for even longer. It gets to be extremely worrying when the real world of politics begins to merge with science fiction. What was that line from one of the Stars Wars films? “So this is how liberty dies… with thunderous applause”.For those who value liberty, democracy and parliamentary rule, what happened earlier today would have sent shudders down your spine. I refer of course to the upper house in Victoria just barely passing Dan Andrew’s extension of his dictatorial powers.
In a 20-19 vote, three crossbenchers ensured that this became a fait accompli. Just in case you are not thrilled with the result, here are the three haters of freedom and their contact details. I do hope you get in touch with them and let them know what you think of this (politely yet firmly of course):
Thankfully we had some champions who did all they could to oppose this wretched bill. Bernie Finn of the Liberals gave a terrific 15-minute speech which you can see here:–HK00qbwQLKkOdhnSvYPFdH-zfNXP0w0EgKeYZ9P_fadsFnXc_RTvrU
He said this when the dirty deal was finalised:
In the dead of night, the Andrews Government used its numbers to gag debate and push through Despot Dan’s legislation to suspend democracy in Victoria for a further 6 months. The vote was 20-19. The Government was supported by Greens leader Samantha Ratnam, Animal Justice Party’s Andy Meddick and the entirely slippery Fiona Patten. A dagger plunged into the heart of Victoria’s democracy at 1.56am on Wednesday, September 2, 2020. A limit of 10 will be permitted at the funeral.READ THE FULL SORRY STORY HERE:
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