Saturday, October 20, 2018

Just When You Think Things Can’t Get Much Worse, Here Comes ‘Christian Witchcraft’ And ‘Divine Magic’

"Stop thinking you can tell people how to worship. Stop thinking you can tell people how to connect with the divine. I could tell you how many people have told me, 'You can't be a Christian witch' but here I am. See, you can't tell me how to worship. You cannot tell me how to connect with the divine. That's between me and God. You cannot tell me how to pray," a defiant Love declared in a recent rant on Facebook 

Despite biblical warnings against the practice of witchcraft, the Rev. Valerie Love, who describes herself as a practicing Christian witch and an ordained minister of spiritual consciousness, is insisting that there is nothing wrong with Christians being witches and has recently launched a school to help Christians tap into magic.

 Make no mistake about it, the Bible is crystal-clear in both Testaments regarding the evil associated with the sin of witchcraft. Witchcraft is real, it has power, and God warns us in all dispensations to have nothing to do with it.

Witchcraft is bundled in with a whole package of things Christians are dabbling in these days, like yoga, self-love, self-realization, spell casting, Destiny Cards, and all the rest of that ungodly garbage. Witchcraft is slithering into the Church, and should avoid it at all costs. And while we’re on the subject, Paul tells us women are not to be pastors, either.

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