Sunday, September 17, 2017


Homosexuality, Gender Confusion and The Spirit of Baphomet 

(Excerpt from Midrash Monthly.)

This post will attempt to reveal the link between the homosexual, transgender, anti-gender role movement and how they are linked to the occult god, Baphomet (who is also satan) as well as how this entire agenda is a collaborative effort by the elite to destroy the nuclear family as well as render the biblical roles of men and women obsolete.  Many believe that the Anti-Christ will himself be a sodomite. The information provided in this post will give greater insight as why the Anti-Christ may very well be homosexual and how this relates to the satanic worship of Baphomet. First I will provide a brief history of Baphomet worship as well as its origins and its increasing prolific presence in modern society. Once you understand this occult god’s prominence in Freemasonry, witchcraft and its importance to the elite you will also have a greater understanding of the push to remove the taboo from the homosexual/lesbian/transgender lifestyle.

Baphomet is a humanoid figure with a goat’s head and embodies both genders, as it has the breast of a woman and is depicted as having both male and female organs. It is also referred to the Goat of Mendes, the Black goat or Judas goat. Matthew 25:31-34 gives us insight into why the use of a goat is symbolic and used in reference to those who live in opposition to Yahweh. Goats are defined by their selfish, stubborn, indignant and rebellious nature while sheep, who are used as symbolism for Saints are obedient and the opposite of a goat’s disposition.  Goats were even used in the Torah for the scapegoat. 

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