Thursday, July 30, 2015

Commentary by Roger Oakland
Understand The Times International: Roger Oakland Ministries

While Christian unity is a very important biblical principle, we must ask ourselves: “How diverse can Christian unity become before it becomes too diverse? How far should a Bible-believing Christian go in the process of forgiving others? Is it possible to go too far?”
An article in the Focus on Religion section taken from the Orange County Register may provide the answer to this question. The headline stated: “Church to Ask Indians to Forgive.” Then a statement followed: “On November 1, ‘The New Jamestown Covenant’ was signed in Virginia with the American arm of the Church of England.” The Newport Virginia News reported:
In 1606, King James I granted a charter allowing English businessmen to colonize Virginia and spread “Christianity” among the “savages” who “live in darkness and miserable ignorance.” More than three centuries later, the Episcopal Church -- an American outgrowth of the Church of England -- will ask American Indians for forgiveness and reconciliation at a noontime ceremony today on Jamestown Island.[1]
Although the Bible teaches reconciliation, the New Jamestown Covenant took reconciliation beyond biblical parameters. Statements included in the five-page document claimed that Episcopalians and Indians would “work together to find new resolutions in social and political challenges and “... start together to protect and nurture our home, the Earth.” [2]
Now we know the Bible emphatically teaches that unity centered on a common bond in Jesus Christ is very important. “Bind us together Lord,” should be a prayer that is always on the hearts of believers. God’s love should shine through us. As John wrote: “Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” [3]
However, if we compromise the gospel and promote a “social gospel” or the “gospel of Mother Earth,” and people are not told about the true gospel, people will be deceived and end up going to hell! Is this really love?
It seems to me that Christian unity must always remain centered on the truth. Especially when the Bible teaches that in the last days, many will be deceived in the name of Christ. If those whom we are joining together with have not accepted the Jesus of the Bible and the true gospel according to the Scriptures, they will not spend eternity with Jesus Christ.  
Let’s keep one thing clear. Christian unity cannot be accomplished at any cost. Biblical Christianity must always be centered at the foot of the cross.


[1]  Dave Schleck, Church to Ask Indians to Forgive, Orange County Register, November 1, 1997, page 14
[2]  Ibid.

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