The book (featured at left) "THE FOUNDATIONS UNDER ATTACK" by Michael de Semlyen, deals with the "popular and modern" version of prophecy.
However, the Pilgrim Church, Reformers, Puritans and later men of God, including C. H. Spurgeon, Dr. H. Grattan-Guinness, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, J. C. Ryle, and other present day men of God, (including the author of the book featured) have a different view.
Today, the Pope has been acquitted by the modern church, of the title he held for centuries past. WHY & WHO? Where and by whom did this "NEW" teaching emanate? It only gained popularity in the mid 1800's.
Cardinal Manning, a convert to Roman Catholicism from the Church of England, spoke to the Jesuit "fathers" in this stirring fashion, regarding the REVISION OF SCRIPTURE - by the RSV committee, which supported this "new teaching."
Quote: "Great is the prize for which you strive. Surely a soldier's eye and a soldier's heart would choose by intuition this field of England. None ampler or nobler could be found. It is an head of Protestantism (the KJV) the centre of its movements and the stronghold of its power. Weakened in England, it is paralysed elsewhere. Conquered in England, it is conquered throughout all the world. Once overthrown here, all else is a war of detail. All the roads of the world meet in one point, and this point reached, all the world is open to the (Roman Catholic) church's will."
It is now sadly, "Mission Accomplished!"
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