Sunday, November 17, 2024


Detransitioned Teens: Regret for the Rest of Their Lives. NEWS WITH VIEWS.

By |November 17th, 2024

By: Devvy

November 18, 2024

Humans are born with two biological sexes:  Male and female.  No amount of puberty blockers, teachers secretly encouraging KIDS they are not the biological sex they are born with and they should “trans”; social media encouraging young girls they’re really a boy.  Cut off your breasts and never have children.

The same propaganda being promoted on social media sites only they and the prostitute media (with some exceptions) forget to tell confused young boys, girls, teens or their parents the long-term consequences of what is being done to their bodies that is irreversible.

This transgender “cult” has swept across this country over the past decade like a tornado.  Right along with the NONSENSE of addressing a person using silly pronouns.  “Hi, I’m the/they glad to meet you.” Employers have been sued for not addressing someone who needs mental health treatment to determine why that person does not want to use their name but rather “pronoun(s)”.


Tuesday, November 12, 2024



Donald Trump

The American People Voted To Repeal Wokeism, Abortion, Transgender Tyranny, DEI, Inflation, Open Borders And The Entire Main Stream Media.

America voted for America last Tuesday night, and rejected the radical woke agenda offered by Kamala Harris and the Democrat machine, but what comes now?

Last Tuesday night, the American people voted across the board to rid our nation of about a half-dozen things that no one wanted. Voters said with their ballots that they were tired of a bad economy with high inflation, tired of open borders and the endless procession of illegals flooding our states, and tired of the Obama Transgender Manifesto that sought to elevate the perceived needs of a resounding minority above and beyond the needs of the majority. The best part? Donald Trump was handed his landslide mandate by a wonderful coalition of blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians, and yes, even LGBT voters. In short, America voted for America, and America won, but how long can we hang on to it?

“Put them in fear, O LORD: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah.” Psalm 9:20



Saturday, November 2, 2024