Thursday, November 30, 2023

Pope Francis Is Ruthlessly Purging Roman Cardinals Who Oppose His Pro-LGBTQ+ Mandates As He Continues To Create The Affirming Catholic Church. (EXCERPT)



Pope Francis has kicked conservative US Cardinal Raymond Burke out of his Vatican apartment and stripped him of his salary after he criticized the pontiff’s pro-LGBTQ+ stance.

By this point, it is obvious that the Roman Catholic Church, started by the Caesars during the time of the closing days of the Roman Empire, is taking a page from the book of Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, better known as Caligula, and transitioning into being LGBTQ+ affirming under the leadership of Pope Francis. US Cardinal Raymond Burke just found out the hard way that going against the pope’s affirming mandates comes at a cost.

Burke has not received any notification of measures being taken, his secretary said in a text message Tuesday to The Associated Press.

Burke, a 75-year-old canon lawyer whom Francis had fired as the Vatican’s high court justice in 2014, has become one of the most outspoken critics of the pope, his outreach to LGBTQ+ Catholics and his reform project to make the church more responsive to the needs of ordinary faithful. Twice, Burke has joined other conservative cardinals in issuing formal questions to the pontiff, known as ‘dubia,’ asking him to clarify questions of doctrine that upset conservatives and traditionalists.

In the first, they asked Francis to clarify his outreach to divorced and civilly remarried Catholics, and Francis never replied. In the second, they asked whether same-sex couples could receive church blessings – and received a conditional maybe in response.

Then, on the eve of Francis´ big meeting of bishops last month, known as a synod, Burke presided over a counter-synod of sorts just steps away from St. Peter´s Square. There, Burke delivered a stinging rebuke of Francis´ vision of ‘synodality’ as well as his overall reform project for the church.

Thursday, November 23, 2023



A Thanksgiving Prayer

It was in the year of 1608 that a group of Christian "Separatist" left their church in England. It had been nearly one hundred years since the start of the Reformation in Europe and the Church of England was reluctant to shed the grave cloths of Roman Catholicism. These Pilgrims fled their native England in a quest to live far from Rome and and near to God. They knew they had to flee from any Church that would not separate from all vestiges of pagan Catholicism. The English throne and its relatively newly minted Anglican Church was infiltrated by the Catholic Jesuits who began to persecute  these separatist.  In 1620, after a stay in Holland, they set sail on their Pilgrim journey to the shores of New England.

They arrived at the tip of Cape Cod and having full assurance of God’s leading, they named their location Provincetown. In search of a more fertile location they traversed westward to what we now call the Plymouth Plantation. The pilgrim's had been ill prepared for their first harsh winter, however b
y the following year God choose to prosper His people with much abundance. In that fall of 1621, these brave separatist gave thanks to All Mighty God and laid the spiritual foundation for a new nation. 

Father, it is with utmost gravity, we seek Your mercy on our land. Our Nation has departed from the great convictions of your pilgrims and we ask that You would strengthen what remains. By Your Sovereign will prepare us to stand firm on your Word alone. May our Churches repent of their ecumenical embrace of the very Antichrist seated in Rome. May they turn from their love of the fantastical doctrine of Jesuit Futurism which is now bearing the fruit of global conflict and death. May your people turn from these heretical teachings and escape the strong delusions seeded at the hands of the Roman Catholic Church.

We thank you Father, for you have shown us mercy and have continue to provide all our needs in Christ Jesus. We thank You for those who have labored in prayer and in financial support of the Berean Beacon.

Happy Thanksgiving,
Greg Bentley

Monday, November 20, 2023

 This Blog, sends our heartfelt condolences to loved and respected Police Commissioner, Grant Stevens and his wife and family, following the tragic death of their 18 year old son, Charles. Charles was the 101st  death on South Australia's roads this year (thus far.)

 Charlie Stevens with his father Grant, the South Australian Police Commissioner.

The Commissioner wrote this emotional letter in his son's bedroom, to and about his son. The copy of the letter is here:

"It's a mess. And it's perfect. This is where 101 lived.
"101 arrived on 28 April 2005 and changed our lives forever.
"The last of five, he was different.
"Cheeky, intense and funny - a loveable ratbag from the moment he could talk.
"He was as frustrating as hell but he was also the kid who would look after others, befriend the lonely and help those who were struggling.
"Intensity shone through as 101 committed to each new passion, Lego, BBL, scooters, footy, cricket, basketball, surfing, downhilling, Fortnite and skateboard. It was all or nothing. It was always all.
"101 hated cheese because his brother did.
"He was the master of the air fryer, the Nutribullet and the steamer.
 "He loved his mum's curried sausages but didn't know where the dishwasher was.
"His favourite pastime was pushing mum's buttons.
"Although a different name is on his birth certificate, 'F--- off Charlie' is what you would hear first in our house followed by 'put a shirt on' and 'take your hat off at the table'.
"101 loved footy. He loved the Cats. He played 100 games for the Mitcham Hawks, then the Jets, the Saints, the Camels and Westies, he just wanted to play and be a part of the team.
"It was 101 who taught us you can't shower unless you have got your Bluetooth speaker fully cranked so mum and dad can't hear themselves in the kitchen.
"101 never wanted for soap, shampoo or shavers- someone else in the house always had it- even a used towel.
"His enthusiasm for school sore no bounds except, start time and school work.
"But his enthusiasm for family and his mates was real.
"101 had a circle of friends the rest of us could only dream about. He loved his mates. They loved him.
"His friends' parents liked having 101 in their homes.
"He was mates with his brother's mates. Living with him meant waking up on weekends to four or five extra bodies in spare beds and on couches.
"It meant the family garage being transformed into a man cave where things parents did not know about (or probably permit) could happen.
"The only time we saw 101 angry is when he was forced to cut his precious hair for his sister's wedding in 2021. He never went back to a hairdresser again.
"Being 101's alarm clock was a role his mum and I took up when he left and started his apprenticeship.
"'Get up, mate', 'get up, mate', 'mate, get up', 'are you not going to work?' Followed by 'drive safely', 'don't speed' became the morning mantra.
"101 thrived at work, he loved working, loved his job and he idolised his boss.
"It meant he had money for TA Tuesdays and Wednesday Wings at the Feathers.
"101 was adored by sausage dogs Grace and Zoe, who would sneak into his bed at night.
"On a good day, we would be lucky to see 101 for half an hour between him getting home from work and heading out with his mates but it was enough.
"101 is Charles Hinchliffe Stephens. Charlie, Charlie boy, Chas, Links, Steve.
"You lived life and gave so much to many.
"You are a force of nature and we will never forget your beautiful, cheeky disarming smile.
"Son, brother, grandson, uncle, nephew, cousin, friend, workmate, team mate.
"So much more than just a number on a tragic tally."

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Headline News FROM N.T.E.B. (Excerpt)



Pope Francis Signs Official Vatican Document Affirming Transsexuals Can Be ‘Baptized In The Catholic Religion’ In Major Embrace Of LGBTQ+ 

If it would not cause scandal or confusion among other Catholics, ‘a transsexual, even one who has undergone hormone treatment and gender reassignment surgery, may receive baptism under the same conditions as other faithful,’ said a document from the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith.

The Roman Catholic Church, started by the Roman Empire on or around 325 AD, has for the past 1,700 years claimed to be the only ‘authorized representative of Jesus Christ’ on this Earth. A mighty big claim to say the least. But leaving that aside for just a moment, you will take note of the fact that just about everything they stand for goes against what is revealed to us in the pages of the Holy Bible. Such is the case with the latest edict of Pope Francis as he continues to create his affirming church. If Jesus were walking the Earth in His earthly ministry today, He absolutely would minister to the LGBTQ+ people including the transgender and the transsexuals. He would tell them that their sin, like all sin, needs to be repented of, and He would invite them to trust in Him as their Saviour. But He wouldn’t for one second confirm anyone in the sins of the LGBTQ+ Movement, He would compare what they were doing to Sodom and Gomorrah who were destroyed for doing such things. The Roman Catholic Church is a lot of things, but being the church started by Jesus Church is not something they can claim.





Wednesday, November 8, 2023


Victor Davis Hanson




The Incredible Lightness of Barack Obama Joe Biden is caught in a quadfecta of corruption, cognitive decline, a failed agenda, and eroding polls. Amid this apparent vacuum, an opportunistic Barack Obama — who used to be more discreet in managing his third term—is reentering the arena. Last week, he came out as the overseer of the Biden administration’s AI agenda, even as his foundation’s “Democracy Forum” was warning Americans about the need for “inclusive capitalism” and the pathologies of “material consumption”—all this from a multi-mansioned multimillionaire. Now, Obama is weighing in on the Gaza war by undercutting his third-term presidential proxy. Yet just as he seems somewhat clueless about the contradictions of an erstwhile “community organizer” turned into a hyper-capitalist, consumption-addicted elite, so too Obama has little self-awareness about how much of Biden’s unpopularity derives from his continuation of Obama’s own agendas on the economy, border, crime, race, foreign policy, and energy. His apparent obliviousness continues with his most recent odd assertion that, “The occupation and what’s happening to Palestinians is [sic] unbearable.” But Obama surely concedes that Gaza has been autonomous and free of Israelis since 2005, and governed by a “one man, one vote, once” Hamas clique since January 2006. Obama added that, “If you want to solve the problem, then you have to take in the whole truth, and you then have to admit nobody’s hands are clean – that all of us are complicit to some degree.” In truth, Obama’s blanket accusation is absurd. Over the last 17 years, an autonomous Hamas has managed to create both a hierarchy of billionaires ensconced in luxury Qatari hotels, and the most sophisticated subterranean tunnel city in the world—but little else except corruption, poverty, and violence for all concerned. Obama again seemed unaware of his own confession when he lectured, “nobody’s hands are clean” and “all of us are complicit”. Not quite, Barack. Those most culpable for the current catastrophe are Obama and his team, who invited in Robert Malley to be their point man on Hamas; cooked up the “Shiite crescent” misadventure; snubbed the grass-roots Green Movement that sought to overthrow the Iranian theocracy; invited the Russians back into the Middle East after a 40-year hiatus; fled Iraq and fueled the ISIS caliphate; lifted sanctions on Iran, giving it a multibillion-dollar war chest that armed to the teeth Hezbollah and Hamas; estranged the U.S. from Israel; and created the media echo chamber that empowered the disastrous Iran Deal. The rest was history.